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Space C Deoxys up for Trade


God of Thunder
Since I've been getting tons of Pokemon recently, I was traded two separate Space C Deoxys. The one I'm trading has barely been touched and has a Calm nature.
As for what I want, I'd like other event Pokemon except for 10 ANIV Suicune, Moltres, and Latios, MYSTRY Mew, and WISHMKR Jirachi.
If you want, you could offer other Pokemon. Just make fair offers, it's all I ask for.


Completing The Trio
10 ANNIV lugia and 10 ANNIV pikachu{light ball}, for both of yours


God of Thunder
First thing's first, I said I DON'T need MYSTRY Mew or WISHMKR Jirachi. That's why I stated "EXCEPT"in my original post.

Second, kirk, I said I was only trading one, and that's that.

Lastly, I don't care for any legendaries, unless they're from the events.


God of Thunder
What's it's OT? If MYSTRY, I'll pass. Same goes if it was caught illegitimately, and has some random person's OT.


The Dark Universe
Since I've been getting tons of Pokemon recently, I was traded two separate Space C Deoxys. The one I'm trading has barely been touched and has a Calm nature.
As for what I want, I'd like other event Pokemon except for 10 ANIV Suicune, Moltres, and Latios, MYSTRY Mew, and WISHMKR Jirachi.
If you want, you could offer other Pokemon. Just make fair offers, it's all I ask for.

I have rares check my thread

Heaven's Illusion

Well-Known Member
Do you want a Lv.100 Pokemon?

I can offer you my Lv.100 Manectric or my Lv.100 Blissey. If you want I can have the pokemon you choose hold a Masterball or an Evolution stone(PM me for details).

Besides those, I can offer you starters, and some rather rare pokemon. (Pm me for details)
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Well-Known Member
i have

shiny rayquaza*
shiny groudon*
shiny kyogre*
shiny lugia
shiny ho-oh
shiny treecko*
shiny metagross
shiny sudowoodo*
shiny duskull
shiny magnemite*
shiny regirock*
shiny registeel*
shiny regice*
deoxys ( from birth island event )*
wishmker jirachi
shiny lileep*
shiny armaldo*
shiny meganium
shiny latios*
shiny absol*
shiny chinchou*
shiny electrike*
shiny wailord*
shiny smeargle*
shiny torkoal*
shiny ampharos*
shiny aggron*
shiny shiny voltorb*
shiny shroomish*
shiny seviper*
shiny ursaring*
mew ( from faraway island event )*
shiny chimecho*
shiny vulpix*
shiny marill*
shiny rhyhorn*
shiny graveler*
shiny solrock*

* = i have to migrate

my code is RKH 4467-7682-8068

im ready to trade A.S.A.P


God of Thunder
Deano: What's the Typhlosion's nature and moveset?

MEW4LIFE: Okay, than what is the OT?

Dark_ALex: What's the Sceptile's nature/moveset?

Heaven's Illusion: What's Blissey's nature/moveset? (Typing this is starting to make me wish I made a copy/paste template or something. xD)

shadow94: Same thing as above, for your Meganium.


God of Thunder
Sorry, DL, I've already got one. The list of Pokemon at the top are the excluded, as they are already in my possession.