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Space C Deoxys

Chin Pokemon Master

Trainer and Breeder
Here's my list of trade stuff
Lvl 100 Timid Space C Deoxys
Would like a jaa or jae poke for it (not Pikachu, Celebi or Ho-oh)
Mantykes that know Mirror Coat
lvl 1 female naughty Swift Swim
lvl 1 male bashful Water Absorb
lvl 1 female jolly Water Absorb
lvl 1 female serious Swift Swim
lvl 1 female mild Swift Swim
Mantines that know Mirror Coat
lvl 1male careful Water Absorb
lvl 1 male timid Swift Swim
lvl 1 female hardy Swift Swim
lvl 1 male quiet Swift Swim
lvl 1 male naive Swift Swim
lvl 1 male lonely Water Absorb
(I've been breeding)
lvl 5 female Eevee Quirky recieved from Bebe in Hearthome
all of these just make me an offer for them if I like it cool and we'll deal


The Master of Speed
lvl100 dutch event deoxys naive nature
It's legit, want to trade for your deoxys?


The Master of Speed
what do you want for it


The Master of Speed
No haven't got any of them.