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Special event items through Wifi?


Uber Legendary Train
Just a thought,

You know those special event items, like old sea map to catch mew, will these be able to be transferred through wifi onto your newly bought Wii, saved on to a memory card and then be able to be transferred to Diamond and Pearl through the new Pokemon Battle Revolution?

Thus eliminating the need to go to those tours or special events?



Well-Known Member
Ah that would be alot eaiser for me.
Since i live in Sweden it's hard for me to get event pokémons.


Well-Known Member
WiFi events are probable, but that will not mean tours will not happen. Tours tend to increase Pokemon's popularity, especially with the people that attend, and people who pass by that are curious about them.


Well-Known Member
I hope so. Aus hasnt had an event since G/S

Walking Contradiction

Feed Us a Fetus
BlazeShadow said:
Ah that would be alot eaiser for me.
Since i live in Sweden it's hard for me to get event pokémons.
The exact same thoughts. There are no Nintendo Events over here, so it's impossible to get any event Pokemon.
I hope so. Aus hasnt had an event since G/S
And Finland hasn't had events since R/B.


Uber Legendary Train
I dont think pokemon can made any more popular Acheront, as i think diamond and pearl will see it hit its peak ( with the exception of a third ds game, like opal) plus the fact is there is now 3 event pokemon which would mean far too many tours for the japanese, americans and europeans over too long a time frame


Well-Known Member
I hope so. Aus hasnt had an event since G/S

Can't believe you already forgot about JAO :O

Well... you're somewhat right. Older people will just ignore it, but small children may start enjoying Pokemon. Tours attempt keep the popularity at a constant I guess.


Natsu no Maboroshi
Gee, I live in Chile, so I think I'll have to cheat to get them...too bad...:(