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Special held items

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OMG itZ pikablu!!1!1
I have a quick question; do the special items like the stick, thick club, lightbulb, luck punch, deepsea scale, and deepsea tooth work with their specific evolutions or preevolutions?

Burning Effigy

A Hollow Being
This isnt the right place for that.

Wild Cherry

Magma Commander
No they don't, for example.

Lucky Punch - Chansey is more likely to land a critical hit.

So it wouldnt work if a blissey or Pinpuku used it, it usually says like with a light ball, pikachus sp.att only.


Well-Known Member
If it says a name on its description ever, then no it doesn't work for anything else. >_>


Master Breeder
I have a quick question; do the special items like the stick, thick club, lightbulb, luck punch, deepsea scale, and deepsea tooth work with their specific evolutions or preevolutions?

farfetch'd doesn't even have an evolution.

lucky punch is chansey only, deepseaitems are clamperl only, light ball is pika only.

the only one that works on the pre-evo and the evolution is Thick Club, which doubles the attack of either cubone or marowak.
Light ball does double Pikachu's Sp.att, but Pikachu only, doesn't work for Raichu
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