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Special Info!!!


Don't hate the mushy
Pokémon Diamond— Nintendo DS—May 27, 2007
Pokémon Pearl—Nintendo DS—May 27, 2007
Pokémon Battle Revolution — Wii — Spring 2007
Retrieved from "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Pok%C3%A9mon_video_games"

You peaple didn't know well now u no.


The Lost Mareep
Yea, this is spam you already posted this and it was confirmed unconfirmed... nvm...


Queen of Charizards!
FAKE FAKE FAKE. We still dont know the real offical release date of Diamond and PEarl for the UNited states


Well-Known Member
Wikipedia is good for the fact that anyone can add to it.
It's bad because anyone can add to it.