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Special Rescue, I need help. Floor 71... anyone?

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Sir Devious

Sir Devious
No one ever goes past 50, and I couldn't find anyone who could... so I am posting this... I am in the Cave where the Regi's and Mew are. I am on Floor 71... so um... help? No reward.

SN?6N 9RTWN(G)?? 4...N?J
!W??? ?4S+X?N? 8F8J6
??T?N YJ+?8(G)?? W!R6N

(G) = Girl Sign
(B) = Boy Sign



Noah's Scapegoat
EDIT: Rescue complete!

Here's the A-OK password:
SN?2N 9PPWN(G)?2 8...N?J
!W7?- ?4T+X?NR 8F8J6
?NT?N YJ+?8(G)K? W!R6N
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