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special TM's


Better then you
I think Vacuum Cut and Wide Slash are in Grand Sea. I think they need keys to get. Either that or they're in Far-Off Sea. I know it's one of them.


Well-Known Member
Far-Off Sea:

TM Wide Slash is found on Floor 50 (Locked Door).
TM Vacuum-Cut is found on Floor 72 (Locked Door).

Locked Doors can be opened by Keys which are found randomly in Solar Cave.


Better then you
You can also find Keys in Western Cave and Desert Region. I suggest Western Cave for the Keys.(only if you have access to it)


Well-Known Member
solar cave is good for keys if you don't have any escape orbs since doing a lvl 99 dungeon for keys is pointless
wideslash hits the 3 tiles in front of u (front, diagonal-front)
vacuum does 30 on all enemies in room

not very good imo..cut ftw. hm1!


Well-Known Member
Any Pokemon can learn Wide Slash and Vacuum-Cut.

While Spin Slash and Excavate are currently learned by none.