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Spheal Of Approval! (312)


And, as if by magic, the webmaster appeared...
Staff member
Spheal Of Approval!

At the Ocean Museum, Ash & Co. learn about the rock of Groudon. However Team Magma appear and intend to steal the rock to further their search for Groudon. Will they succeed?

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~Thîrûttû R⚢âl~
I had liked how Spheal was good...

Hmm..only if Ash got Spheal instead of Snorunt.


Hee - Ash with a clapping Spheal... gotta love that! :)

This episode was good, partly because Team Magma were in it... did TM's leader really glare at Ash? I'd actually like to see a one on one battle between him and Ash it'd be fun!


I love Spheal. Ash getting one is a good idea.

I liked how Ash and Max went off by themselves in this episode. I think they make good friends. :)


They're like a couple of brothers... that feud regularly, which makes it even more fun to watch!

Factory Head Noland

It's the same Team Magma member that turns up everytime we see them, the man with the brown hair.
It was a good episode, Sealeo's voice was funny.

Shiny May

i watched the ep today and it was nice. Spheal is sweet and so is Sealeo.
Really an episode focused on Max and Ash as May and Brock shop, so we didn't see much of them. Pity :p
I like to see team Magma, they were really nice in this ep !! I thought it was a good ep !!!


Yeah, I liked this episode a lot, it got me into wanting to go to a Marine Museum. Team Magma was cool in this episode, especially when they got annoyed at TR. I liked the Groudon Rock thing too.


Team Awesome
I liked the brain freeze bit with the twerps in this episode, that was absolutely hilarious, and pretty smart for Team Rocket. :) I also liked Ash's battle with the kid and his spheal, and how the kid was incredulous that an electric type could beat a water type. LOL Those were the only moments I liked with the kid, but at least spheal was pretty darn cute. It was also good to see Team Magma again.


Well-Known Member
Meh Spheal annoyed me. However Team Magma where pretty kool


Well-Known Member
Interesting Cartoon Network skipped right over this one and went straight to "Jump for Joy.", but I still remember it good enough from when I originally saw it to comment.

Good episode nice seeing TM again also Spheal very very cute in this episode.
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Starlight Aurate

Just a fallen star
I just realized that when Harlan told Mightyena to Shodow Ball Max and Marius, if they had been knocked unconcious and fallen into the water, they would have died!
Which is what makes me like Harlan even more. He's the guy that kills off nerds and brats. :)


kiss my greens
I liked the brain freeze bit with the twerps in this episode, that was absolutely hilarious, and pretty smart for Team Rocket. :)

I totally agre :) Sadly, that was one of their better schemes, which isn't much of an accomplishment if you think about it <_<'

Spheal was pretty cute, though ^^ And Team Magma actually got away! A surprise, considering this is Pokémon, but a very welcome change of pace.


spheal was wonderful in this episode, maybde i should watch this one again i should have the DVD somewhere.


Are you kidding me? 5 year old episode and you bump it just for a +1?