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Spinx/Dragon Deck (Yu-Gi-Oh)

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Here's my Yu-Gi-Oh deck:

3x Theinen the Great Sphinx
3x Andro Sphinx
3x Spinx Teleia
2x Lord of D.
3x Blue-Eyes White Dragon
1x Slate Warrior
3x Rare Metal Dragon
3x Peten the Dark Clown
3x Familiar Knight
2x Inferno Tempest
1x United We Stand
1x Change of Heart
3x The Flute of Summoning Dragon
1x Monster Reborn
1x Swords of Reaveling Light
3x Pyramid of Light
3x Enchanted Javelin
1x Dragon's Rage
2x Waboku
1x Mirror Force
2x Return From the Different Dimension

It's my old Yu-Gi-Oh deck. I don't play Yu-Gi-Oh anymore, and I grew to dislike it. *hides behind flame wall* But I was curious about how people would rate my old deck. So, what are your thoughts?
~RaikouRider243~ said:
I meant it won't work in a competitive environment. It can obviously beat n00bs. Practically any deck can beat n00bs.
Does it need to be able to beat people at tournaments?

BTW, not only have I beaten n00bs, but I've beaten many Yu-Gi-Oh players who are pretty damn good in terms of strategy.


Well-Known Member
This is traditional right, maybe you should try adding BLS-EotB and Pot of Greed because you need to milk the traditional format for all that it is.
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