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Spiral Surui No Kizuna

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Boulder Trainer
Has anyone heard of it? It's one of the unappreciated Animes. There are 6 DVDs and 25 episodes.

It's basically about a teenager named Ayumu Narumi. His brother, Kiyotaka, who could do anything more easily than Ayumu, dissapeared two years ago and it still haunts him and his step-sister (Madoka, Kiyotaka's wife) to this very day. Soon several strange and horrific incidents happen. It seems they all have something to do with the Blade Children, a subject that's the reason Kiyotaka dissapeared. Soon Ayumu gets more involved with them than he wants to be, but why?

:) That's the most in-depth, spoiler-free summary I could think of.

My favorite charachters have to be Kousuke Ryoko and Rio.
[SPOIL]Rio because of when she killed Imazato. She's so cute when she's evil and confident! Also, she has good taste in clothes.[/SPOIL]
[SPOIL]Ryoko because of the game she played with Eyes to get rid of him. I also like it when she pushes Kousuke around.[/SPOIL]
[SPOIL]Kousuke because of his smart-alec personality.[/SPOIL]


true love
I watched it, and I liked it a lot. Mostly because it was focusing on mysteries type, and I looove those things.. especially in novels (just look at Stephen King's novels and Dean Koontz).

But yeah, Rio is so cute and innocent, yet.. devious? I guess my fav. character might be Ayumu, but sometimes he just ticks me off. I don't really have a fav. fav. character, which is a strange one coming from me, who usually like the main character of most animes. Such as: Pokémon, FMA, Witch Hunter Robin, Soul Hunter.

Edward Elric1

Soul Trainer
I loved Spiral right up until the ending. I was really disapointed by that. [SPOIL]You dont find out what happened to Kiotaka, everyone jsut walks away, so much of what the serries is building up to isn't really gone into at all.[/SPOIL] I did like that it wasn't about brute force. I wasn't the strongest guy ever until I told myself to shut up and do more push ups and the like, even with that I'm not the phisical type. I liked that the characters were all smart and won their "battles" with intelegence, rather than punching someone in the face. (not that I dont like those kinds of Anime. It's always fun to see a good fight scene.)

I really liked Ayumu, Eyes, Hiono, and Kouske.

Ayumu's alot like me, so I can relate to him. I like how he is just in general too. I know that sounds stupid, but I cant phrase it any better way.

Eyes is always so cool, calm, and collected. I think that just makes him the ultimate mystery character who knows everything that's going on, but isn't about to tell you.

Hiono is fun (she's also strangely like my girlfriend, which sorta creeped me out when I saw this for the first time). She adds a constant funness to the serries, but isn't always over the top. It's a nice balance.

And Kouske. He's got the best personality. I was really hoping there would be a Blade Child like him when I first heard of the serries.


Boulder Trainer
Yeah. However, [spoil] The ending was good. I really liked the part when Ayumu took the bunny-bomb from the kid. I wonder why Kanone sided with the hunters.[/spoil]

Do any of you watch the commentaries? I think they're a bit funny, but alot of the jokes are pretty overrated.

Edward Elric1

Soul Trainer
I really liked the comentaries. The outtakes in DVD 2 or 3 is pretty good too.

[SPOIL]My brother kept saying that he thought Kiotaka was turned into that butterfly that you see all the time by witchdoctors. That's the ending I sorta use due to the fact that even though the ending is nice, it's not at all satisfactory. I REALLY want to know what led up to this twisted "game" with the blade children and Ayumu.[/SPOIL] I can only hope that the manga will go further when it gets far enough.


Boulder Trainer
Which one?

My favorite game was [spoil]The one in the hospital with the sugar water and "strychnine." I think they both had that cold medicine so either way, Ayumu'd prove himself (or not).[/spoil]

Edward Elric1

Soul Trainer
I cant remember what DVD the out takes are in, I think it might be 3. It's the one with the begining of the game with the bomb around Ayumu's neck and the tape.


Fate made me click on this thread.

One day at some big anime site (Like AnimeNews or something like that) I saw that they had done a review for some anime called "Spiral". The title was interesting and they liked it. They said it was like a mystery. I haven't heard of it since.

I have the first DVD coming for Christmas. Thank you for telling me what it's about. XD


The Blazikenator
That sounds interesting. I think I'd like to see that, though with a good plot such as that, it makes me wonder why it's not so popular.


Boulder Trainer
Maybe it's because it's just a DVD?(Just a guess) There is an advertisement for it on "YYH: Three Kings" though.

Edward Elric1

Soul Trainer
There's the First Episode on FMA DVD 4. That's how I got into it. It would be more popular if it was being shown on TV. Maybe when the FUNimation network is fully up-and-running they'll show it.


Boulder Trainer
They're making a FUNimation Network?

New dicussions. Hopefully these are gonna make you think.

1. You saw it on the last DVD: [spoil]Kanone betrays his fellow Blade Children and tries to kill them.[/spoil]
Now some time has passed. Do you think Kanone will be forgived by the other Blade Children?[spoil]

2. You find out in the 2nd DVD [spoil]how to identify a Blade Child.[/spoil], not to mention that in the first DVD, [spoil]when Eyes hangs up on Kousuke, he seems to be suffering because of a "curse's mark", which seems to be where the 7th rib's supposed to be. How do you think that happens and what it is?[/spoil]
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