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Eh, ragazzo!
Just to clarify, this is a battle over the types, not the SV starters.


Eh, ragazzo!
Update: Team Water wins the Splatfest. Big Man got all the points.

Man, despite me picking Team Water, I had some of the worst luck.

It didn't start or ended poorly, but I kept being on the losing side, despite not playing the worst myself.
It didn't help that the one 10x match I got into had one of my partners drop without the matches shutting down.

I did successfully do one Tri Color defensive, and I was off by a point in another.
That is to say, I had my small victories.


"What the hell...?"
I won a x100 match!


Eh, ragazzo!
I'm guessing Team Sour is the least popular team judging by how few times I saw "sour" Splat posts, and how I only fought one Sour Team (on Team Spicy). Speaking of this Splatfest, I was impartial to any of the teams, so I picked spicy due to my spice tolerance.


Well-Known Member
I chose Team Sweet because I like sweet foods.

and hoping Frye wins this splatfest this time around


Eh, ragazzo!
First time my team lost a Splatfest, lol.

Team Sweet won, but everyone got points for something.
Last edited:


Eh, ragazzo!
Just like that, Team White Chocolate won every single darn category in the Splatfest.

I think this game has the opposite problem of early Splatoon 2; the most popular team is more than likely going to win.


Eh, ragazzo!
First Wave Splatoon 3 DLC (Inkopolis) is set to release February 28th.

I haven't really given much thoughts on this part of the DLC, but I'm glad they are preserving Inkopolis from Splatoon 1 as that is the only game not on the Switch. I know having Splatoon 1 on Switch would compete with 3 to some degree and why they wouldn't opt for that, so this is a good thing. I don't think it will be included, but it would be nice if we could go through the Splatoon 1 story mode as the Agent 3 in Splatoon 3 story mode.


Eh, ragazzo!


Eh, ragazzo!
Dammit, why are aliens a choice? Like, it would be very improbable that aliens do not exist in any capacity.

Now are there intelligent ones that have visited Earth, I don't think that's quite the case.

Anyway, I'll listen to the arguments as I always do. I wish the question was "which conspiracy is more interesting?".