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SPPf Bishie (Claim a Character) Thread v. 5! [NEW!]

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Magical Pokemon

I love Care Bears!
SPPF Bishie (Claim a chracter) Thread v.5! [NEW!]

Ken Ichijouji/Ichijouji Ken from Digimon Adventure 02-Magical Pokemon (8/13/08)


Professional catfish
Whiscash/Namazun from Pokémon - Whiscash (08/15/2008)



~ Grace ~
Kisuke Urahara/Urahara Kisuke from BLEACH - Scenice (8/15/08)
Ruby from Pokemon Special - Sapphire Phoenix (8/15/08)

Mimori Kiryu

Well-Known Member
Shuam, I popped in to let you know that the person who claimed Zero from Vampire Knight left off his last name. I know it's probably minor, but someone might think it's a different person from the series or something. Their claim should read:

Zero Kiryuu from Vampire Knight

So, yeah. Sorry about this, if it is SPAM. :<


Bringer Of Death
Sasuke Uchiha from Naruto Shippuden - abcd - 8/15/2008


♥Tea for Two♥
Tadashi Karino from Special A (S.A.) - Kiori (8/15/08)

Hope that's okay? >>; Most people say S.A. or Special A for both JP and English, so I think the title can go for both. :x

Thanks~ =3
Flygon/Furaigon from Pokémon - miken park (8/16/08)

yus, he's mine <3

Latias 24

Alt.name : Latiwings
I guess my three day's ban is up?

Let me try again.

Magnadramon/Holydramon from Digimon - Latias 24 (8/17/08)


Love is in the Amour
Platina Berlitz from Pokemon Special - plxtreme (08/16/08)

Yes, Lady Berlitz's first name is now acknowledged as Platina. Thank you!


Whiscash/Namazun from Pokémon - Whiscash (08/15/2008)

Pokemon claims aren't allowed. First strike, 3 day ban.
Claim a Pokemon thread

Vegeta from Dragonball Z/GT - Steelix2.0 (8/14/08)
You put the wrong date, and you can't possibly be 16 hours behind me. Since I'm in GMT-7 and you posted at 4:30 PM. Strike one, three day ban.

Shuam, I popped in to let you know that the person who claimed Zero from Vampire Knight left off his last name. I know it's probably minor, but someone might think it's a different person from the series or something. Their claim should read:

Zero Kiryuu from Vampire Knight

So, yeah. Sorry about this, if it is SPAM. :<
Sasuke Uchiha from Naruto Shippuden - abcd - 8/15/2008
Already claimed, and you didn't fill in the blanks. Strike two. Two week ban.
Flygon/Furaigon from Pokémon - miken park (8/16/08)

yus, he's mine <3
No, he's not. And he's already been claimed in the Claim a Pokemon thread.
Anyone not quoted has been added to the list.


Worldend Dominator
I believe my ban has ended, but I can't tell, as it was never in the first post...
Ryoko Asakura/Asakura Ryoko from The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya - SapphireSwampert (08/16/08)
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