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SPPf Marching Band Club

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The Masked Trumpet

Phantom Trainer
{Approved By PsiUmbreon}
Welcome all future members,
This is the one and only SPPf Marching Band Club. In order to join you must be, or have been, in a marching band. Everyone is invited and please follow the rules. I am giving me the title of Band Director, owner of the club, and I am looking for 2 Drum Majors, co-owners. All you have to do to join is state what instrument you play. I play trumpet. A banner for this club should appear in a few days. Thank-You.
The Masked Trumpet

Mimori Kiryu

Well-Known Member
I was in a marching band during 6th, 7th and 8th grades and I played the flute, so I guess I'll join ^_^

The Masked Trumpet

Phantom Trainer
You may join Mimori Kiryu. Thank-You and enjoy your stay.
The Masked Trumpet

Angel Paladin

A Seraph has risen
Oh yeah, a marchin' band club! I'm defenatly joinin'. I play 1st Trombone in my high school marchin' band. Too bad my section leader is a snoty sophmore. I'm a juinor dang it, plus, he plays way too high for a Trombone. Can I be a drum major?

I'll tell you the hightest note I know. I can play a high F. It looks like this:
_p_<----Note: Trombone F
---------- <---|
---------- <---|
---------- <---Staff
---------- <---|
---------- <---|

I know it's crapy, but it's the best I can do. -_-

The Masked Trumpet

Phantom Trainer
Angel Paladin you may join and are first Drum Major. I will be counting on you to run this club the days I am not here. I will send you a PM to let you know more. Thank-You.
The Masked Trumpet

Angel Paladin

A Seraph has risen
Mr. Director Sir, I've just accepted your PM and confirmed that I will provide service in this club as a Drum Major.


Link Master
Oooh, can I join? I'm a freshmen flute player.

My section leader is cool... She's a senior. My DI can be cool, but sometimes he's a jacka**. Depends on his mood. =0

Mimori Kiryu

Well-Known Member
cold_katanagirl said:
Oooh, can I join? I'm a freshmen flute player.

You're a flute player, ck? AWESOME. I never knew that =0 That's awesome. I still know how to play, even though I haven't played at school in almost a year...

I have a topic^^

What's your favorite song to play?

Mine is definately one that I played last year of middle school....but I'm drawing a blank on it's name...

The Masked Trumpet

Phantom Trainer
cool kantanagirl you may join. My favorite song to play is "Think of Me" from Phantom of the Opera. On September 6th DCI is going to be on ESPN2 in the night. This is the annual brodcast that normally comes on PBS.
The Masked Trumpet

Angel Paladin

A Seraph has risen
A song called "Malegania" that we're playin' this year for my HS this year. It's got a very powerful first phrase, then it goes to a great solo of Trombones and Baritones (It's originaly a solo Trombonist playin', I really wanted to play the solo.), then the whole band comes together on a single note. After the drums do about three mesures of playin', the whole band comes in for a Latin dance theme. After that, we go into a jazz-theme where the Majorietes do splits. When we get done with the jazz section, it's back to Latin and the Low Brass carries out the melody. At the end of the song, the whole band finishes with lots of accented eight notes and a loud sound.

Otherwise, I would really love to march to the music of Star Wars (Opennin' Theme, Duel of The Fates) or the song "Tank." That's the opennin' song for Cowboy Bebop.


Link Master
The flute was like the last thing I wanted to play though... I wanted to do clarinet or alto sax. My old band teacher thinks he made the right choice though... I guess I agree, I dunno. =0

Favorite song to play? I can't think of any songs at the moment. [/brain fart]

Uh, from what I can think of, probably The Horse because we do all these weird dances to it. Very fun though. ^^

I also liked this other one... I think it was called Cartoon Symphony. It had Pink Panther, The Simpsons, and other songs from famous cartoons.

Angel Paladin

A Seraph has risen
Wow, nobody has posted in a while. Allow me to make a new topic

Why do you participate in marchin' band?

I do it because it's so awesome when you get all of the music and marchin' down. The show looks and sounds great when everythin' is in place. Also, music is a passion of mine, so it's a way of expressin' it.


Link Master

Bring this soul back from Purgatory! RESURRECTION!

K, thread is alive again. :D

I participate in marching band... At first it was just so I could get credits. But after awhile, I learned it's because, wlel, I love playing my instrument.

The Masked Trumpet

Phantom Trainer
The Masked Trumpet has returned. I have been very busy with the Marching Band season so I have had little time to post. I am still looking for a 2nd Drum Major. If you are interested please PM me. Thank-You.

The Masked Trumpet


Seventh Grade Symphonic Band 3rd chair trumpet! I'd like to join

Angel Paladin

A Seraph has risen
Welcome to the club Shining Kyorge! I hope you enjoy bein' a part of this club. Thankfuly for me, I've already been through band competition. We got great ratings and we one an award that is awarded to the best band that to be around the entire day. Good to see you back Masked Trumpet. :)


hey can i join i am curently in a middle school band i play the trombone

The Masked Trumpet

Phantom Trainer
Angel Paladin is doing a wonderful job as Drum Major. Welcome new members. Shining Kyogre and MettalicDragonite welcome to the club. Thank-You.

The Masked Trumpet


I went to a district competion and placed 11 out of 72 trumpets! I'm also advancing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Staff member
Super Mod
Can I join? I have been playing flute since 5th grade (now in 10th grade, but I stopped in 8th and 9th grade). Marching band is awesome :)
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