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SPPF's Vending Machine, Coolest forum game ever...


Fallout: New Vegas
you get the sppfs vending machine

inserts octopus dog toy

Shadow Eeveelution

DracLord Dread
Whos face me or your PP's

A bomb came out

*Insert PP's Hand*


... And out comes nothing. But a strange noise is heard in the background for you to only find out your Nintendo DS has blown up...

*Inserts Manaphy shaped coin*


You've got a Manaphy plushie!
*Inserts a sword named Neotono no Shana*

Shadow Eeveelution

DracLord Dread
You got a Sword named Anahs on Onotoen

*Insert a greeting card written on it Sayonara losers*


Neji and Tyki fan
You get a horde of Neji Kittens (from Naruto),LOADS of them (500,000 to be acurate).

*inserts a Tyki Kitty cookie*


<--Watching You
You get a Clefairy Plushie!

*Inserts Crobat coin*


<--Watching You
You get a Clefairy Plushie!

*Inserts Crobat coin*


Is on the case!
you get a plug socket!

inserts coin


♥ ♥ Brain Bleach ♥ ♥
You get a zit. Ewww....

Inserts coin