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~~~Sprite editing~~~

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<It's Red!!!!!
Not sure if I can do this. But....

Do you need help with a rubbish sprite?
You've come to the right place!
Give me your sprite and say what you think is wrong and I will transform it!

Currently Sorted:

~Lucario Master~

Well-Known Member
I wouldn't recommend doing it. Cause if someone brings you a sprite of someone elses and you edit it isn't it stealing.


Well-Known Member
Damn I had idea but was a little aprehensive about it.

Technically it isn't stealing if you don't use it yourself simply fix it up for that person in return for recognition. This should really be in the requests forum. If the mods don't close this, I'd be interested in helping out seeing as I had a similar idea

Edit: whoops misread sorry. only edit that persons sprites, not allowing them to bring someone elses.


In other words, give me your rubbish sprites i'll do them for you and then you'll never learn?

No offence, but imo this is a bad idea. Nobody's going to get better if someone else is fixing things for them. At the very least this should be in Art Requests imo.


Cool story.
Well, to first say, everyone who posted here posted in this thread posted the Johto thread. But, This is a good idea, but belongs in Fan art requests.

ø®ΑпGЗ ♠

Well-Known Member
I have nothing interesting to say, so I'll just post this post this sprite for you to edit.

Please say what you have edited when you are done. I just want you to improve it in general.
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