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*~sprite plz!!!!!! ^_^ ~*


Remi|X|ing Time
hey yall. can i get some1 to make a trainer sprite 4 me.i ask people on their shops, and some end up not doing it, or their bad at it. could some1 help.im not too sure what i want, but i want it totally kick *****! u will get credit for it. can it be a lil bit of:
:His hair color
:His hair
:his position. and a mix with his clothes and brawlies clothes. I like this dress shirt and brawly's shorts, but in black. PLZ and THANX ^_^

Sailor Merury

Butterflys rock!
*sigh* Everytime I come here, I see one of these. 3 words. Make it yourself. You have no right to say they're bad.


Remi|X|ing Time
*sigh* Everytime I come here, I see one of these. 3 words. Make it yourself. You have no right to say they're bad.

i have no right to say it in front of them, cauz its mean. i could say whatever i want w/o them lookin...LOL. i do an even worse job than them, so i wanna see if some1 with a lot of experience could try
Umm... you know I don't think this is supposed to be here. And just because people are not making your request is maybe they are doing it right now with too many requests. You can go and try to find a shop that is currently open and doesn't have a lot of requests in hand.