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Sprite repair :3

Hyper Chibi Absol

The Dark Goddess
I redid some of the DP sprites. The ones on the right are the original. I don't claim those as my own, they're just there for comparison. :3



http://i18.*******.com/539apty.png Quina Quen (scratch and MY GOD this guy was hard!)
http://i18.*******.com/66lnjm9.png Zidane Tribal (90% scratch. His face was from another sprite)
http://i11.*******.com/6gmcmrn.png Request of lucario rox
http://i10.*******.com/4xpzomo.png (Requests by many. All scratch.)
Last edited:


The REAL PaperNinja
They're pretty good. I see you added better shading, but mabey you could take this a little further.

Hyper Chibi Absol

The Dark Goddess
They're pretty good. I see you added better shading, but mabey you could take this a little further.

As in requests? I would, but I got swormed before...

If no one sworms me again, I'll go back to doing requests.


I dunno?
Aw, I love them all! Only suggestion is to make the outlines for a few sprites a bit darker. Some of the arm/leg joints in the characters are hard to see because of the lighter lines.

Keep it up!

Hyper Chibi Absol

The Dark Goddess
Aw, I love them all! Only suggestion is to make the outlines for a few sprites a bit darker. Some of the arm/leg joints in the characters are hard to see because of the lighter lines.

Keep it up!

This was kind've a bump but ok. XD

I realize that. It's just my overshading style. :p You can check out my request thread for more recent sprites if you please (maybe request but I'm kinda running out of time for doing other people's requests due to the fact that one of my friends is yipping at me to revamp the GSC characters (meaning scratching them, or atleast trying without cheating with bits and peaces of other sprites. Lol.))

I will! Don't worry. I love to sprite, it's just some times, it's time consuming. XD