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Sprite thread and request



I take requests for all pokemon (that are resonable) Please no stupid things like recolors or stuff like, put so and so's wings on so and so's back, etc. I do not accept map requests expect sprites to ake a while because i don't come on often sprites can take up to a week. i will only work on 3 requests at a time. Eevee95 will help with my forum and take requests, here are some examples of my work.







Eevee's for Ever
HI!!!... wow im suprised at this, your an excellent spriter and no request!!!


Eevee's for Ever
....Poor You..... your probally one of the best spriter around *points to penguin* and still no reply....Poor you


Eevee95 said:
HI!!!... wow im suprised at this, your an excellent spriter and no request!!!

Thanx Michelle, I started an actual sprite thread come on by!


Eevee's for Ever
where is it Jake??? post a link while i look for it


Yes I use MS paint
Eevee95 said:
....Poor You..... your probally one of the best spriter around *points to penguin* and still no reply....Poor you
excuse me.........
your probally one of the best spriter around
some of the best are
Dawnstar, castiboy, coronis, Tempusdominus, Poochyena, Princess Politoed, Upsy Daisy, Absol Attacker, Waterlover315, Electabuzz
and a couple others

First off the sprites are JPEG images JPEG should only be used for photographs, not sprites.
when you save an image right under where it says "untitled" and you can type whatever you want it to be called, is a drop down menu, scroll down and select .PNG


Eevee's for Ever
Starter530 said:
excuse me......... no!
some of the best are
Dawnstar, castiboy, coronis, Tempusdominus, Poochyena, Princess Politoed, Upsy Daisy, Absol Attacker, Waterlover315, Electabuzz
and a couple others

First off the sprites are JPEG images JPEG should only be used for photographs, not sprites.
when you save an image right under where it says "untitled" and you can type whatever you want it to be called, is a drop down menu, scroll down and select .PNG

Like at least his look origanal


Yes I use MS paint
I'm not saying they're not original.
But i'm saying the mixes are very badly done

And if you're saying that any of the people that i mentioned don't have original sprites you've got alot to learn

the two best are the Penguin and the Persian Ninetales mix
but open bothe of those up again go to save as and save it as .PNG
JPEG ruins your sprites


Eevee's for Ever
ok... i was at his house when he made the as you call persain ninetails mix, and it has no persain in it what so ever! oh and i looked at electabuzz'es sprite thread and *cough* theese were better, he had a little but to much roundness in them,i'm not saying thats bad,its just my opinion that i think 1 of them was a little to round, but thats just MY opinion i think theese are A-W-S-O-M-E, like the first one, it looks completly origenal. Oh and i'm not going to spam anymore because this is a request thread not a chat thread

EDIT: OOOPS that wasnt electabuzz
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Leave my posts alone
You don't think you could make a sprite of Polursine in my sig?


mostly lurking
it does have persian in it, the ears are persian, the whiskers are, and the gemstones are. your work seems to be good, but like someone else says, always save as png or it screws up the colours.