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squirtle in cute contest


christian 4ever
is squirtle a good choice for cute contests..........im planing to enter him.......if yes can you please tell me a contest movest


Gust of Wind
use mudkip and have the following

mud sport
-any move you want-

constantly use mud sport (4 hearts) and watergun(4 hearts) to get 8 heart combo but if you start off last, use growl (i think 6 when last, not sure but you get alot), trust me IT WORKS


Well-Known Member
My personal favourite for Cute Contests was Masquerain, although, if it had to be Squirtle..

Squirtle@Pink Scarf
Maxed Out: Cuteness
-Bubble/Water Gun (Use Bubble if you want Jam points, which will give you somewhat of an advantage, and Water Gun if you want a straight appeal attack.)
-Mud Sport (Involves breeding.)
-Tail Whip/Protect (Tail whip if you haven't maxed out your Cuteness, as if performed last, it gets an added bonus. Protect if you want a defensive appeal.)

Hope I helped!


Jonathan Davis
Nosepass works pretty nicely in cute contests

Emerald Metagross

Well-Known Member
If you wanna sweep through all the cute contest ranks, use this:

Slaking@pink scarf
Slack off

I owned everyone @ cute contests with it. :p


Well-Known Member
Most pokes that look cute generally tend to be good for cute contests so yeh squirtle isn't a bad choice and I'd go with Hermenator's moveset, it's the best one for it.
I use a Skitty. I don't think a Squirtle is good in cute contests.

Off Topic: Congratulations! This is squirtleboy12's 61st pointless thread!