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Squirtle *SPOILER*

What do you think of May's Squirtle

  • Total voters

The Big Al

I just keeping Octo
*Wearing painfully fake smile*

In the Battle Frontier, May has a Squirtle. What do you think of her Squirtle?



Yeah, you know I have to say it but May's Squirtle needs to toughen up a little if you get what I'm saying. [SPOIL]I still am rather mad about the 1st contest with Squirtle in it. That contest was too easily won by Squirtle. Poor Harley![/SPOIL]

The Big Al

I just keeping Octo
What, that I didn't vote "Squirtle must DIE"? Don't worry, there are many who will vote very low for Squirtle.


Legendary Pokémon Coordinator
medea said:

Yeah, you know I have to say it but May's Squirtle needs to toughen up a little if you get what I'm saying. [SPOIL]I still am rather mad about the 1st contest with Squirtle in it. That contest was too easily won by Squirtle. Poor Harley![/SPOIL]

[spoil]When you conisder that her Bulbasaur lost its first contest because of its lack of battle experience, you'd expect her Squirtle to lose SINCE IT JUST A BABY[/spoil]


Yeah, ok!
It's OK. I liked it when it was a crybaby, I hate it that they're turning it into a powerhouse so quickly.

If it were up to me it should remain as a crybaby. That's when the Squirtle was actually interesting. When they turn it into a powerhouse so quickly it's dull and uninteresting.

Especially considering how strong Ash's Squirtle is, May's Squirtle shouldn't be anywhere near it's level.

The Big Al

I just keeping Octo
- Kasumi - said:
It's cute. But I really want it to evolve.
I think I'm going to hurl. Then it's frakking of Ash's Squirtle would be complete.


<- x James = OTP ♥
So Cute This squitle he Like Much The Flowers
Last edited:

V Faction

May has a Squirtle?

Oh. You mean that freaking beast of a super soldier who sold its soul to the devil that they're trying to pass off as a Pokemon.


Contaminated KFC
I wouldn't mind if Haruka got herself a Wartortle. It doesn't mean it would be stronger than Ash's Squirtle by any means.

Eh, I've not really got much against it personally. Aside from its personallity, I just find it to be one of the most painfully unoriginal pokémon Haruka has recieved and thats pretty much all I have against it really. Its had its moments, both good and bad, so I can tolerate it. Its not like it has a really irritating gimmick to it or anything, ne?

The Big Al

I just keeping Octo
Yulissa said:
So Cute This squitle he Like Much The Flowers
Also, what the heck did you say?


~Thîrûttû R⚢âl~
He's all cute...and i like him..for his cuteness...

but i do must admit...i'ts kinda werid him being able to defeat Araidos...unless it was a low level..lol..


Well-Known Member
Its sickening. its so cute its giving me a cavity.


Bring it.
Man...how much of Ash's pokemon is may gonna have? bulbasaur, munchlax(might evolve to snorlax) and now Squirtle?


Yeah, ok!
DKzM0mA said:
Man...how much of Ash's pokemon is may gonna have? bulbasaur, munchlax(might evolve to snorlax) and now Squirtle?

Munchlax will never evolve, it's supposed to be an advertisement. Evolving it would make it an old Pokemon again thus taking away it's purpose in the first place. The writers said at one point that they wanted Munchlax to be as popular as Pikachu.

The Big Al

I just keeping Octo
CyberCubed said:
Munchlax will never evolve, it's supposed to be an advertisement. Evolving it would make it an old Pokemon again thus taking away it's purpose in the first place. The writers said at one point that they wanted Munchlax to be as popular as Pikachu.
You've got to be kidding me. That blasted garbage disposal on legs is supposed be a second mascot for Pokemon? Why can't some of the powerful Pokemon be mascots?

Flying Tropius

Seijiro Mafuné said:
As an average person would pout...

"They're not cute enough!!!"
*Hurls* that Garbage can is suppose to be cute? It is dirtier than any Garbage Can you can find! Well he is a D&P New pokemon and how does munchlax gain so much weight if it evolves? Even it eats so much?

Mizu Kasumi

The Mist
If it does evolve, Ash's Squirtle does kind of seem awkward meeting May's Warturtle... Lol. Maybe Squirtle can have a new form it can evolve into... If the creators ever create that.