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SSBB add ons?

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Volcano Trainer
When SSBB comes out do you think there should be character add-ons? Like buying from a shop in the game, and adding them to your characters. For example you could by Mario's Fludd from the shop and add it to his character to give him the chance to fly for a short period. Same with Luigi's vacuum. Another example would be letting Pikachu wear a blue bandana on its neck (ala mystery dungeon) or Young Link with some kind of mask on.
What do you think?


Maybe you could use in-game coins to buy alternate costumes, but I doubt things that give the characters new abilities would be like that.


R.I.P. Ridley
Should've been posted in OFFICIAL SSBB Thread.


Unless Nintendo are as stupid as Microsoft on this (my example is first party), they will make the changes purely cosmetic. If they gave the player special abilities, the person with the most money wins in the end. Bizarre Creations (PGR3) put cars that are faster than the ones you can get through the game up on the Xbox Live Marketplace, so the person that bought them got an unfair advantage online over the ones that didn't.
But yes, SSBB thread.
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