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Stand Tall

Phoenix lord

Finally edited!
Stand Tall

A strange beginning, an unexpected relation, suspense, and of course an idiot that tagged along, you have it all here in Stand Tall.

Here is my one and only sprite comic (completely created by me) for everyone to read. I got the idea when I finally started to read the fan comic section and soon I was attached to it, especially comics like Poke chow and Ace of Abra so that was the start of Stand Tall! The seasons will continue until I have barely enough time to make them (this will happen in a long time). Please respond and make sure this comic doesn't die, and please respond to me if you find any mistakes.​
1: This comic contains random humor such as random Kirby’s appearing from nowhere.
2: This comic also contains mild language.
3: It also has some blood.
4: It starts out like a journey comic but I’m planning to change that.
5: Remember only one third of the things you read in this is true.



Episode 1: Creation

Episode 2: The Lab

Episode 3: The Name

Episode 4: Just Ten Minutes

Episode 5: Poof

Episode 6: Pink Doom

Episode 7: Good Bye

Episode 8: A Day's Success

Episode 9: Rocky

Episode 10: Cheese

Episode 11: Help!!!

Episode 12: Speeding

Episode 13: It's a trap

Episode 14: Team Aqua

Episode 15: Twin brother

Episode 16: Hard to Believe

Episode 17: Bluffing

Episode 18: Growl

Hope you like them if you do please reply and tell me if not reply anyways and give me advice to help me fix my mistakes. I like my comic and I don’t want it to die so please help me by replying.​
Note: Specials have nothing to do with the main comic so if the characters are in some random place to get confused.

New Years Special
Don't worry he's not gone, only for the special.

Christmas special part 1
Christmas with Rocky has to be fun. Note: this special is so huge it was divided into 3 parts.

Christmas special part 2
The second part of the christmas special.

Christmas special part 3
Final part of the christmas special!

Special: Pidgeotto's thanksgiving
Have a happy Thanksgiving but please don't eat us!

Special: The Wii (part 2)
Will getting the WII be a nightmare?

Special: The Wii (part one)
It's about to be come out the tension is rising READ this to put your mind off it for a while!

Special: Healthy eating
I know you can't read it, so if you don't like it just concentrate on the main comic (I promise I will never mess up like this again). This might be edited.

Beta reader: Chibi Pika
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metal gear solid

Dont mess with snake
It's good but needs some work.
the background is way too bright my eyes hurt
thats the only problem,if you spend some time on the background it could get better and i'll get reading this

Phoenix lord

Finally edited!
It's good but needs some work.
the background is way too bright my eyes hurt
thats the only problem,if you spend some time on the background it could get better and i'll get reading this

Your right the background is bright, and I'll try to fix it if i find a way.

Good, just a couple things.

1)Little bits of grammar
2)You need to make custom sprites, it makes it more original.
3)The title is mis-leading...

I like the plot though. I would lie to wonder why there arn't any bathrooms...
You just ned to make custom sprites, fix litle bits fo grammar, and it will be a pretty good comic.

Phoenix lord

Finally edited!
Good, just a couple things.

1)Little bits of grammar
2)You need to make custom sprites, it makes it more original.
3)The title is mis-leading...

I like the plot though. I would lie to wonder why there arn't any bathrooms...
You just ned to make custom sprites, fix litle bits fo grammar, and it will be a pretty good comic.

Ty for the help. I'll try to fix my grammar but not really a good chance. About the custom sprites I'll work on it, not sure. The title, i think, will sound beter in the future as i make more episodes, but for now ignore it. You took one of my jokes by the why
Why aren't there bathrooms
i was going to use that thanks a lot dude. =P


Phoenix lord

Finally edited!
sorry for the double post but episode 5 is up and soon to be 6.


Chibi Pika

Stay positive
Sorry it took so long! =P And I WILL finish revamping number one soon!

Anyway, number seven is still my favorite, so I can't wait until you post it. And The Wii specials were an unexpected bonus. Figures that you'd do a second one when I told you about all those PS3 stories. ^^

And though you insist on saying it, no, I don't think your comic sucks. In fact, comparing episode one with the special, you're improving way faster than most people. I don't even need to revamp the new ones (other than some grammar tweaks.)


Chibi Pika

Stay positive
Fwee!!! Episode seven!!!!!!!!!!!!111111one Yay for the hobo and the random Starbucks! :D And let's not forget the annoying FireRed guy. ^^

Stand Tall is really coming along. I mean, how many journey comics have a Rocket as the traveling partner, a crappy Mew that can't do anything, random evil Kirbys of doom...oh, and a boulder! =D

*Glances around as tumbleweed rolls by.*
Silverwing;249;: Hey, it ain't as empty as your comic, Chibs. xP

All you people must review or else get mauled by a homicidal Typhlosion!

Btw, I have a plot idea...thing!
Mews can learn every TM, right? I bet Rocky's can't... xP


Phoenix lord

Finally edited!
Fwee!!! Episode seven!!!!!!!!!!!!111111one Yay for the hobo and the random Starbucks! :D And let's not forget the annoying FireRed guy. ^^

Stand Tall is really coming along. I mean, how many journey comics have a Rocket as the traveling partner, a crappy Mew that can't do anything, random evil Kirbys of doom...oh, and a boulder! =D

*Glances around as tumbleweed rolls by.*
Silverwing;249;: Hey, it ain't as empty as your comic, Chibs. xP

All you people must review or else get mauled by a homicidal Typhlosion!

Btw, I have a plot idea...thing!
Mews can learn every TM, right? I bet Rocky's can't... xP


Ideas are flowing through my mind thanks for the help Chibi. By the way thanks for finally editing episode one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111one

Chibi Pika

Stay positive
Yay, another special!!!! Hehe, the Pidgeotto get their revenge! ^^ I like the fact that Officer Jenny is hunting them. xP

Btw, I'm almost done with my special, check it out in an hour or so. (That is, unless you can come over, even though it's raining and crap. =P)



good comic. a little fuzzy here and there but still good.

Chibi Pika

Stay positive
good comic. a little fuzzy here and there but still good.
Ooh, that's right!

Pheonix lord, I forgot to tell you! I know that PNG is weird on your computer, but if you save a bmp to Photobucket, it gets turned into jpeg and gets all fuzzy! You might wanna do Imageshack, or else just stick with saving 'em to my Photobucket.


Phoenix lord

Finally edited!
Ooh, that's right!

Pheonix lord, I forgot to tell you! I know that PNG is weird on your computer, but if you save a bmp to Photobucket, it gets turned into jpeg and gets all fuzzy! You might wanna do Imageshack, or else just stick with saving 'em to my Photobucket.


But how do i save it as a png my paint thing won't let me it sucks. please tell me i must find out! Ohh yeah and thankis for the replies Chibi and Fred.

Phoenix lord~;249;;228;
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Phoenix lord

Finally edited!
Sorry about the double post but episode 8 is up, it's short, and i hope to the point, well hear it is!


Chibi Pika

Stay positive
Hehe, short but sweet. Y'know, it's always bugged me that the cities in Pokemon are so close.

I'm looking forward to seeing how the boulder will come into the plot later. xP


Phoenix lord

Finally edited!
Hehe, short but sweet. Y'know, it's always bugged me that the cities in Pokemon are so close.

I'm looking forward to seeing how the boulder will come into the plot later. xP


Thanks for the reply and about the boulder... soon it shall be explained... I think... by the way episode nine is up!


Now about the future... i don't think i'll be posting to many comics for a while i have a huge special to work on and a lot of spriting for season two and i mean A LOT.


Phoenix lord

Finally edited!
like said before, the comic would be better if you had custom sprites. Other then that very nice job 4/5 (Rocky. I feel bad for him too xD)

Don't worry custom sprites will come, infact i already created the comic with the first one (It might not be posted that soon, don't ask why please). And thanks for the reply (I feel bad for Rocky a lot too it stinks to be like him).
