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Staple Deck YGO (ADV)


Scizor Laughing at U
Lv 7+ ;munchlax;

Sacred Pheonix of Nephthys

Lv 5-6 ;munchlax;

Mobius the Frost Monarch
Cyber Dragon x3

Lv 1-4 ;munchlax;

Slate Warrior x2
Breaker the Magical Warrior
D.D. Assailant
D.D. Warrior Lady
Twin Headed Behemoth
Amazoness Swords Woman
Exiled Force
Wall of Illusion
Night Assailant
Hand of Nephthys
Magician of Faith

Spells ;munchlax;

Giant Trunade x2
Lightning Vortex x2
Last Will
Book of Moon
Graceful Charity
Mystical Space Typhoon
Premature Burial
Mage Power

Traps ;munchlax;

Sakuretsu Armor
Magic Cylinder
Dust Tornado
Negate Attack
Call of the Haunted
Ring of Destruction
Torrential Tribute
Magic Jammer
Mirror Force
Damage Condenser


TCG Trainer
Slate Warrior x2
Amazoness Swords Woman
Wall of Illusion
Lightning Vortex x2
Mage Power
Magic Cylinder
Negate Attack
Magic Jammer
Damage Condenser

No one uses these. And for one reason: They don't generate advantage. They lose advantage.

If you want a CC deck, I'd go mech, with Stein/Crimeratech OTK.

Think you could look at my deck?
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Alakazam says Cena Sucks

Sacred Pheonix of Nephthys Zaborg

Lv 5-6 ;munchlax;

Jinzo Thestalos
Mobius the Frost Monarch Zaborg
Cyber Dragon x3
Lv 1-4 ;munchlax;

Slate Warrior x2 2x Hydrogddon
Breaker the Magical Warrior
D.D. Assailant
D.D. Warrior Lady
Twin Headed Behemoth
Amazoness Swords Woman Hydrogeddon
Exiled Force
Wall of Illusion GK Spy
Night Assailant
Hand of Nephthys GK Spy
Magician of Faith
1x Exiled Force
1x Treeborn

Spells ;munchlax;

Giant Trunade x2 Heavy
Lightning Vortex x2 2x Smashing
Last Will
Book of Moon
Graceful Charity
Mystical Space Typhoon
Premature Burial
Fissure Enemy Controller
Mage Power Reinforcements of the Army

Traps ;munchlax;

Sakuretsu Armor
Magic Cylinder Out
Dust Tornado
Negate Attack Sakuretsu
Call of the Haunted Out
Ring of Destruction
Torrential Tribute
Magic Jammer Out
Mirror Force
Damage Condenser Out

Congrats! It offically fully Cookie Cutter....
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