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Star Fox: Assault

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Solar Crimson

A Crimson Tide
Well, I've finished my friend's copy of Star Fox: Assault, and I have to say, it was pretty decent.

Playing through this game, I realized that SF:A is like Custom Robo: it has a short 1-Player Story Mode, and gets most of its kicks from the Vs. Mode.

Here are my reactions to the story.

-Voice changes are in order. Slippy no longer has a little girl's voice; he now sounds like he has a frog in his throat (no pun intended). Falco and Krystal have accents (didn't make it far enough into Adventures to hear Krystal's voice in English, though), Leon sounds like a stereotypical humanoid lizard., and Andrew has a higher-pitched (and annoying) voice.
-The Aparoids are some of the most boring enemies ever to grace gaming.
-It's about time Star Wolf returned. Now we have a decent image of Wolf to use on SSB sites.
-Fox rides on an ally's wing in two missions. I applaud his sense balance.
-[SPOIL]Tricky's back, as is Dinosaur Planet, which is now called Sauria. Too bad it's just for one mission. Tricky's comment on Fox and Krystal, and Fox's reaction to it were hilarious.[/SPOIL]
-[SPOIL]Damn. Corneria is ALWAYS in trouble, and this time, it's worst than before.[/SPOIL]
-[SPOIL]Star Wolf comes to Fox's aid in three missions. Good to see them actually doing something good.[/SPOIL]
-[SPOIL]"Shoot! Shoot me!" I know it wasn't supposed to be funny, but I laughed at General Pepper's cries at the end of Mission 7.[/SPOIL]
-[SPOIL]Peppy commited suicide by crashing the Great Fox into the Aparoid shield to give Star Fox a fighting chance against the Aparoid Queen. What a noble way to end your life.[/SPOIL]
-[SPOIL]Oh, so he didn't die, after all. He should've died, though. It would've made the ending more dramatic.[/SPOIL]

Overall, it's a good game. Not better than SF64 (SF64 is worlds better), but enjoyable nonetheless.

Blaziken master

Yeah its a cool game,could have been longer though


Well-Known Member
Na, it was ok, I just thought it was wwwwwwaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyy too short. Lylat Wars was short but it didn't matter becasue it was like an arcade game. It had loads of different ways to complete the game and kept you coming back for more. In this one, I didn't feel it really had the Star Fox magic of Lylat Wars and I didn't really enjoy the multiplayer mode, don't know why.

Tamer Zack

SPP forgotten member
The game is short but it takes a while to beat. IMO Aparoids were pretty cool [spoil]especially the queen[/spoil] but they could of had a better role in this game. I was also hoping to see Aquatos in this game so you could drive around in that submarine but that did'nt happen :(.

Lord wackruntlje

Speed up, n00b!
Meh, the single mode was easy. Beat it on 5 hours straight.

Wobbuffet fan

This game's main problem is short length and lack of many on-rails missions. The ones that were there were awesome, as were some of the on-ground missions where you had command of both vehicles and could hop out of them at will.

I also felt that Andross should have appeared and was expecting the Aparoids somehow to bring him back in an Aparoid form or something.

Multiplayer was lackluster without bots or any AI units at all. To me, this should be a no-brainer for almost all multiplayer games. Even just a few enemies spawning on the ground and in the air attacking my opponent and me would have been nice. Complete weapon customization should also be used next time. Also, new modes should be incoroporated like a Conquest/ Capture the Bag type mode. Crown Capture doesn't cut it.

It's still enjoyable, though, and I do enjoy replaying the missions.
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