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Starter Types


the guy with no name
Has anybody else noticed this but the Johto starters are the only ones that stay pure through their evolutions and the Sinnoh starters are the only ones that dont have a pure starter line
What do you mean by staying pure in evolution?


Angel of Chaos
^ Stay the same and only one type throughout evolution. Ex: Chikorita and all of its evos are grass, Cyndiquil and its evos are fire, and totodile and its evos are water.

And I have noticed that.... isn't it odd?

Requiem's Eclipse

Hopelessly Hopeful
Very odd.... It seems the makers don't like pure types and are making more dual type starters.


<- Hott Milotic
I didn't know every Sinnoh starter was dual-type. Interesting.

I like starters where the Basic and Stage 1 Pokemon are single-type and the final starter is dual type. Like the Charmander line, where Charizard is Fire/Dragon. For some reason I always thought that Feraligatr was Water/Dark... maybe because it learns bite?

Miss Rarity

A rarity to come by
I didn't know every Sinnoh starter was dual-type. Interesting.

I like starters where the Basic and Stage 1 Pokemon are single-type and the final starter is dual type. Like the Charmander line, where Charizard is Fire/Dragon. For some reason I always thought that Feraligatr was Water/Dark... maybe because it learns bite?

Charizard is not Fire/Dragon... It's Fire/Flying.... Have you checked any of the Starters' actual type? I think you're judging more on appearance than fact.
I've noticed it too.


<- Hott Milotic
Charizard is not Fire/Dragon... It's Fire/Flying.... Have you checked any of the Starters' actual type? I think you're judging more on appearance than fact.

Ah. Whoops. Yes, I do know the types, I just made an error. Again, whoops. ^^ The reason that Feraligatr seems like a Water/Dark type is because of it's movepool. Also, the first time I saw a Feraligatr I was seven.


Furret rocks
Doesn't Treecko stay pure when it eventually evolves into Sceptile?


Well-Known Member
yeah, but does mudkip or torchic?


the johto starters are the only ones that stay monotype through out all stages, each one.


Leave my posts alone

Hikozaru and Tochic has something in common!: Their second evolution gets a Fire/Fighting typing! :O

Having a pure typed Pokemon isn't all that good, as it then limits to what attacks get STAB and a hell of a lot that don't! Dual typed Pokemon get an extra chance, but can have some different changes in the Strength/Weakness chart.
Well, the johto starters were my favourite anyway so thats all good. I like the fact that they're pure.

although it does make Blastoise a little unique. Both its other starters have another type. Mind you, water doesnt necesarily need another type so thats all good~

~Ero Oyagi~

Well-Known Member
I think it makes the Johto starters more unique. It's pretty damned hard to obtain them anyway in the 3rd/4th gen and it's good to have something different from the other starters you can get in the games.