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Starter typing that you'd like to see?

Dark Espeon

Well-Known Member

When I say "starter", I mean "final evolution of the actual starter". For example, if I say "The Grass Poison starter", I'm not talking about Bulbasaur, but Venusaur, because Venusaur is what you end up with anyway.


Okay. So we have had Grass-Poison, Fire-Flying, Fire-Fighting, Water-Ground, Grass-Ground and Water-Steel. (Did you notice how all Johto starters are pure types while every other gen has had at least two double typing starters?)

And you are to answer the topic title: What typing would you like to see in future starters (again, I mean their final evos)? (assuming, of course, that this will not be the last generation of Pokémon)

Typings That You Should Not Consider: Dragon, Water, Fire, and Grass.

Dragon - Honestly, do you really think Nintendo will have you with a starter whose final evo is part Dragon? Think logically. All dragons are rare, and very powerful. You can suggest this typing if you wish, but IMO, that'd be irrational of you.

Water, Fire, Grass - Simple. Say one starter is Grass-Poison and the other is Water-Grass. See? These types cannot be second types because then we would have, technically, two water/fire/grass starters. :p

Sorry to get wordy on y'all, just had to explain those things. Now, start commenting! :D

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Well, personally, I want a Grass-Rock starter. Why? Because I bet it'd be quite tough and cool-looking. Also because Grass isn't very good with a lot of types. A Grass-Flying or Grass-Ice would be awesome, but that'd also be the crappiest typings ever for a Grass starter's final evo. Grass-Steel would rock, but it's very unlikely, IMO.

As for Fire, I'd love to see a Fire-Psychic. I doubt it'll happen, though. Something more realistic would be to expect a Fire-Ground. Yes, it would be 4x weak to Water, but interesting nevertheless.

Last, but not least, I'd love to see a Water-Flying or a Water-Ice starter. That'd seriously rock, if you ask me. And seriously love arctic creatures, so yeah :D. Although... if they had something unoriginal (for Water-Ice) like a seal or a walrus or sea lion, I'd be seriously dissapointed =/.

And now it's your turn. ^_^ Feel free to share any of your ideas, even if they disagree with mine above. I'm all for freedom of speech, and hey, just because I really doubt it will happen it does not mean that it is absolutely not going to happen.
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Well-Known Member
Fire dark
Water Ice
and Grass psychic

P.S. Blastoice and Sceptile are both pure :p


WaterGround Trainer



the combination types wont screw up the system of
grass beats water
water beats fire
fire beats grass


Kyogre Trainer
If you want a tough game then

or to make it more balanced:


Or just the neat idea set:
Fire/Poison (why not)

how's that?


Powerplay Champion


<-- Geodude is ANGRY
fire electric-->Ice/Water-->Rock/Ground

pure x4 goodness


Well-Known Member
Grass/Fighting, Fire/Dark, Water/Psychic. They joked about having Fighting/Dark/Psychic starters, and I think they should actually do it next time. And this way, the type advantages can go forwards AND backwards.
I agree with a fire/psychic, water/dark and grass fighting typing. Then we'd have 2 triangles. Of course you can rotate them around I don't really care with combinations there'd be.

But if we're going for the totally random...

Fire/Electric - because it would just be fantasticyl wierd. A sad 4x weakness to ground, but wth~

Water/Ice - we see this a lot, but never in a starter. Besides paring ice with water makes ice a wothwhile type... sort of. Actually no. This pokemon would have to look crap so no one would want to choose it anyway~

Grass/Steel - :eek: I don't even know how that would work ehehe. Anyway a horrible 4x weakness to fire.


Grass/Fighting, Fire/Dark, Water/Psychic. They joked about having Fighting/Dark/Psychic starters, and I think they should actually do it next time. And this way, the type advantages can go forwards AND backwards.

A good idea, although it'd defeat the purpose since the trend has always been to give the rival's Pokemon an advantage over yours. They'd lose that advantage with the implementation of those second types. I still like the idea though, I'm just saying that it unfortunately probably won't happen.



I actually like this type combination. It negates both the Fire- and Grass-type weaknesses, and is only weak to Electric, Flying, and Rock. I can't imagine what it'd look like though, as the only Water-Bug we've seen so far is Surskit, which is a bad example in the first place.


So what if it has the same type combination as a legendary? Imo it actually makes it more vulnerable, seeing as it then has weaknesses to Water and Fighting, as well as a 4x weakness to Ground...yeah. It'd be cool, though admittedly I have no idea what it'd be based on.


Yes, I know Ghost-types are usually cheap, since they get the Normal and Fighting immunity, but imo it'd actually work, since it'd be used against a Fire/Steel. Also, the Ghost-type eliminates the Bug and Poison weaknesses, in return for Ghost and Dark weaknesses, so this Pokemon doesn't get off that easily, with still five weaknesses. Once again, I can't imagine how this would look like.

EDIT: Darn...mine are eerily similar to Goldilop's....
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~Ero Oyagi~

Well-Known Member
I thought that the problem with the Fighting/Dark/Psychic triangle was that Psychic doesn't affect dark at all, which gives dark a slight advantage. Then again, Psychic pwns almost everything else...

Anyway, i'd like to see a Fire/Ghost, Water/Ice (that's not a penguin or walrus or something unoriginal like that) and a Grass/Electric. Or anything that's weird and random would do just fine as well :)

O Fortuna

Velut luna.
Having two triangles would indeed be interesting. Some typing I'd be very interested in seeing is:

4x weakness to: Fire
2x weakness to: Fighting
neutral resistance to: Ice, Flying, Ground, Bug
2x resistance to: Normal, Electric, Psychic, Rock, Ghost, Dragon, Dark, Steel
4x resistance to: Water, Grass
immunity to: Poison

The Steel typing cancels out most of the Grass types weaknesses, making them neutral effective. Fire will be 4x weak but obviously you wouldn't leave it against a Fire type. However, Poison now does absolutely nothing. Grass also cancels out the Steel's Ground type weakness making EQ less of a worry. This Pokemon should be a wall, most likely physical.

4x weakness to: Rock
2x weakness to: Water, Fighting, Ground
neutral resistance to: Normal, Fire, Electric, Poison, Flying, Psychic, Ghost, Dragon, Dark, Steel
2x resistance to: Grass, Bug
4x resistance to: Ice
immune to: Nothing

I don't know how it would work but typings such as Ghost/Flying, Fighting/Steel, Electric/Ghost and Poison/Fighting exist regardless of how strange they are. I understand the problems of extreme heat VS. extreme cold but I'm sure GF would find some imaginative way for it to happen. Maybe it has great temperature control and can channel it all into one specific extreme... Who knows? Just keep it away from Rocks but you'd do that with the majority of Fire or Ice types anyway, right? I'd have it as a special sweeper with a very muscular speed stat. Given the two irreconcilable types it consists of, I'd imagine it's design to be somewhat based on a Yin Yang or similar symbol.

4x weakness to: Nothing
2x weakness to: Electric, Grass, Ghost, Dark
neutral resistance to: Ground, Flying, Psychic, Rock, Dragon
2x resistance to: Fire, Water, Ice, Poison, Bug, Steel
4x resistance to: Nothing
immunity to: Normal, Fighting

This makes me think of something like a spooky Pirate Ghost. Ooooh...


Yeah, so this would be a cool type. Although neither individual type cancels out a weakness to the other, it only really has four weaknesses which is considerably less than some other dual types and this is a heretofore unseen combination which would no doubt be pretty nifty. It resists a fair few types and two immunities is certainly nice. As I'm basing it on a pirate, it would probably have good attack and defence, average special stats and below average speed. Yarr!

Off topic though (as it wouldn't be a starter), I'd like to see a special sweeping Ice/Electric type in the new generation. Something with a 4x resistance against Boltbeam which can dish out said Boltbeam with STAB on either type? !_!
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Dark Espeon

Well-Known Member
Posted by miiche~:
Grass/Steel - I don't even know how that would work ehehe. Anyway a horrible 4x weakness to fire.

Yes, but only Fire and Fighting would be its weaknesses. It'd be neutral or resistant to everything else. :p

Hehe, I'm glad to see people getting creative. ^_^ It's also cool that many of you agree with the Grass-Steel typing. I really hope we get to see one, someday, because he will rock, seriously.

IMO, the only thing workable for a Grass-Steel would be to have a grass body w/ steel plates. A body made of metal wouldn't work because there'd be no place for grass organs, like leaves and flowers, to grow. So it'd be like a Stegosaurus, with the plates being steel, two antennae, similar to Meganium. The tip of the tail should have two leaves and two portruding, sharp steel tips/points. You could argue your way into this guy being part Ground, but let's just make it Steel, mkay? :D

If anyone has better suggestions, by all means, fire away! :D


Well-Known Member
this goes agianst what you said but it'd be interesting if this were the case




each type is joint with what it's weakest against.

I donno, wouldn't happen but I like the idea.


Natsu no Maboroshi
I`d like to see another dragon/steel pokemon, with levitate as the ability. Also, a bug pokémon would be nice. Maybe a bug/rock one. Bug pokemon deserve to be used more.

O Fortuna

Velut luna.
I`d like to see another dragon/steel pokemon, with levitate as the ability. Also, a bug pokémon would be nice. Maybe a bug/rock one. Bug pokemon deserve to be used more.

Levitating Steel/Dragon would still be weak to Fighting moves. Also, we already have Bug/Rock Pokemon - Shuckle and Armaldo.

@Dark Espeon: It wouldn't necessarily need to be a Grass Pokemon with steel plates. It wouldn't need to look like a Steel type at all nor would there need to be any reason why it suddenly gains a Steel type. I mean, look at Pokemon like Forretress, Minomadamu, Lucario, Empelt and Dainose. They all gain a secondary Steel type upon evolution but don't look it and have no explanation behind it.


Well-Known Member
3 normal types who get the fire grass and water in their finals might be cool

or 3 dragons that get the types at the end

or bugs

or fighting types

I think that'd be a nice twist, maybe it's a region with a lot of martial arts etc.