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Well-Known Member
Which starter? Ive tried on my new Crystal (bought from my frend) Totodile and Chikorite but i dont think Cyndaquil is that good! Go discuss and yes im open to Cyndaquil comments i dont no much about the game so Cyndaquil might b good but im a rookie and this region! I cheked this site about attacks and stats he dont look good to me but still open if u wna convience me.


Well-Known Member
i really belive that its your choise they all are good pokemon
myself i think that Cyndaquil may have a little advantage
Same Here Jason i have it to and i used Cyndaquil for my starter. (Woo Hoo a level up.)


Linkin Park Trainer
I love cyndaquil. I love typhlosion. i think he has the advatage in the beginning of the game.


i peronally think its up to you. when i got crystal i already had experience of it from silver. what i did was i started a new game for a few days with each of the starters so i could see which one would do well. cyndaquil got me all the way to the elite four, but i accidentally deleted my file :(.
anyway i really think its up to you

The Benmeister

Master of Magnet
Chikorita = Hard
Cyndaquil = Easy
Totodile = Medium

The latter words refer to difficulty experienced throughout the game if you were to only use the starter.

But really, it's all personal choice - the above is just a guideline. I pick Chikorita a lot just because it's Grass type, and I'm not too bothered about the difficulty.


Well-Known Member
diffculty dont matr to me..im 2 gd! lol. Cyndaquils only gd moves r FlameT and FlameW so ya ><


Well-Known Member
give reson not just who u liked and not ur fav say the one u think is the strongest


With a support team, Chikorita is a really good choice. It learns Razor Leaf right off the bat, and has some good defensive/support moves too.


Well-Known Member
nice point shaara! Ya i dont really wanna try Cyndaquil..Moves rnt that great and u gota wait a long time for the gd ones lol My quess chikorita cuz totodile i didnt like that much


Chickorita has a disadvantage at the beggining because the first two gym leaders consist of flying and bug pokemon. Personally I like Tototdile And i am having no porblem with I just started it over like 4 days Ago, And I have not Fought the first Gym leader and he is at level 14 I also Have a Ghastly, A pidgey , And a HootHoot


frontier master
i chose totodile for starter and i'm happy that i chose it it has a great attack stat and it can learn many great move such as dragon claw
and it looks cool


If you want to go through the game, it's fairly easy with any starter except Chikorita.

Cyndaquil has an advantage against Sprout Tower, Bugsy's gym, Jasmine's gym, and some members of Pryce's gym (along with all of the Ice Path). Totodile, on the other hand, has a disadvantage against Sprout Tower, but is neutral to just about everything else and can learn Ice Punch for Clair. Chikorita has major disadvantages against Sprout Tower and the first, second, fourth, sixth, seventh, and eighth gyms.

However, no matter which starter you choose, you can catch a replacement by the time you reach Violet City. Growlithe is west of Violet, while Bellsprout and Poliwag are east of Violet.


Well-Known Member
it depends on who you like. I always use fire,well cause i like burning buts. But really,i like cynaquil a lot cause you can teach it thunder punch,and it is a good sweeper. But now that they have ev caps(in the advance generation),the moveset of sunnyday,flamethrower,earthquake,thunderpunch is not so effective


Well-Known Member
I like Totodile line the best, but I restarted with Cyndaquil yesterday. All three are amazing, I love this generations starters over any others.


Natsu no Maboroshi
I like Chikorita


Lopunny's puns pwn.
Chikorita = Hard

Chikorita is the hardest one to begin with because the first few Gym Leaders are at an advantage with it.

Cyndaquil = Easy

Cyndaquil has some advantages against the first few Gyms, so it's the easiest to start with, though it's attacks aren't all that great.

Totodile = Medium

Totodile has neither many advantages nor disadvantages. It's the more balanced of the three.

P.S. I chose Chikorita the first time I played. ^^