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I'm looking for starters from the first games, such as Charmander, Totodile, and Treecko, from those days. If you have them, put an offer, and I might want it. It doesn't have to be shiny, just a regular pokemon. The lower the level, the better. Any offers?
I can offer:
Any of the above would be fine for one of the starters. If there's something you wanna kno if I have, just ask.
I would like it, but i on accident got a Treecko egg from Ruby while messin around today. I'll still trade you the Omanyte, but what else would you offer?
Yea, that'll work. When will you be on tomorrow, because I'm in Stark Mt., trin to catch Heatran. Would tomorrow be fine? Are there any certain moves you would like? I could probably breed my Omastar(Hopefully it's a boy), and give it something like surf, if you wanted?
I might actually get a Growlithe tomorrow, so what else would you offer besides starters? I've got a lot of offers for them already, so I don't really need 'em anymore.