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Stat Boosts?


Active Member
Does anybody know what the stat raising bonus is exactly? I heard that "stat sharply rose" stands for stat x2, however, something is not right. My agilitygross has 87 speed atm and after an agility move he should have 174 if the formula looked like that, yet he is still slower than dugtrio with 169 speed.. >_>

Does anyone have the exact formula?


Toon link
i don't understand what you meen but if you boost a stat up during a battle it will only stay for the battle after the battle it goes back to it's origanal stat number


Active Member
I know that ~~

I wanted to know how agility affects the speed exactly. If 2 stages mean 200% of the original speed, why the heck my meta is still slower? ~~


I like pie.
it doesn't mean you multiply your current stat. it's not quite THAT powerful.

say you have a zigzagoon with tackle and growl. a poocheyena takes out a quarter of zigzagoons hp. now zigzagoon uses growl, lowering poochyena's attack power. now that same move will only do about a fith of zigzagoons maximum hp, or maybe a sixth.

according to what your theory as to how this works, it should have taken only an eighth of zigzagoons maximum hp.

these moves lower the stat of the pokemon by one. if it says sharply rises or harshly falls, that means it is increasing or decreasing by 2 instead of 1. if you look at damage formulas, you'll see that it can make quite the difference. another example:

larvitar uses rockslide on oddish. takes out a quarter of his hp. since i don't have any other move that can do more damage, i use screech 3 times, lowering his defense by 6. it may not seem like much, but after that i used rockslide and took out 3 quarters of his hp.


Active Member
Most of the pages state that:

0 - 100%
+1 - 150%
+2 - 200%
+3 - 250%

and so on. However, this just doesn't seem to work in practice.


Completing The Trio
where does it say that and on what pages


Beginning Trainer
How many times did you try? There's a certain randomness to who gets to go first, at least when then numbers are that even.


Active Member
Yeah, that's the table I've mentioned.

So, if +2 stages is 200%, then my metagross should have 87*2=174 speed and should be faster than a 169 speed CBtrio. But guess what. He isn't.


Completing The Trio
i think i know why whenever any of these stat boosting moves are used it does not double your current stat it boosts your pokemons base stat

e.g. metagross base speed stat is 70 when agility is used it becomes 140


Completing The Trio
well think about it if a speed raising move multiplied an pokemon speed by 4 then you could in theory have a scyther that has a speed of 1600, but thats impossible as no stat can go above 1000 even with added affects


Active Member
I guess I know how to test it. Using metalkid's tool, I can check how the damage looks for 0 and +2 stages of attack and draw the conclusion how much the attack has been raised..

Guess it's the only way ; p


Veteran smartass

lets say u have a marowak with 256 and use swords dance....tada!1 u have 512 now o_O its that simple
i dont know what you're doing wrong with your metagross
its 200% of the attack as it is (with evs ivs and everything)


Snorlax eats n00bs!!
First of all, I can't get over thet fact that your Agili-gross only has 87 speed. I'm EV training a shiny CB-Gross right now and he is a lvl. 28 Metang with 80 speed, and I haven't even done his speed EVs yet (Just finished maxing out his attack (He has 31 IVs) and 132 in HP). Anyways...

87 + Agility= 87 * 1.5

Believe me.


Active Member
Well, it's something like a test-gross. I didn't care for IVs much and it has 0 EVs in speed (I put all points in att evs and hp evs).

If it's 1,5, that finally makes sense. But if 2 stages = 1,5, than what equals one stage? 1,25?