Has your character got stolen? As in, people used your character in their own fanfiction without any permission from you? That's right. I heard that some people used somebody's character in a fic of their own. Giving them the same personality, same look, same Pokemon, but a whole new different adventure. I've come accross this many times. This happens to same people who want the limelight. So they steal your character, creating a whole new fic without asking you permission for using your character.
Question is:
Has this ever happened to you, or have you ever done this before?
Nope, I have not. Anyway, even if I did, I would ask permission from the author. This has never occured to me, as I write fics using characters from Pokespecial, and I totally disclaim them. I only mean authors from the forum and using their character without permission. So please don't get me mistaken.
Question is:
Has this ever happened to you, or have you ever done this before?
Nope, I have not. Anyway, even if I did, I would ask permission from the author. This has never occured to me, as I write fics using characters from Pokespecial, and I totally disclaim them. I only mean authors from the forum and using their character without permission. So please don't get me mistaken.