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Steel Face-Off!

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Valkyrie X

Well-Known Member
Magneton. Forretress is less annoying. =P

Magneton and Forretress have exactly the same base stats, which makes this a good face-off so I vote magneton because it always couters my Skarmorys which annoys me and Forretress's defenses allow it to be a unique Pokemon whilst magneton's very high Special Attack is not so useful. Of course a camerupt would just kill both of these Pokemon but... i voth Magneton.

Komedic Konservationist

N00b in the dungeon!
Magneton, as Foretress is quite cool in his own right. Magneton is a pain to battle, has an annoying voice, and looks like some nasty robotic thing, so ya.


Well-Known Member
I vote for Forretress. I can easily beat him with Charizard, Blaziken, Flareon, Arcanine & other fire pokemons.
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Komedic Konservationist

N00b in the dungeon!
pikalax said:
^_^ LoL
What's so Lol about what I said? You do know we're voting for the one we dislike........... don't you?

Amaisan Axis

Jade Star Trainer
Dark Venusaur said:

;003;Dark Venusaur;003;

You already voted...

- 9
- 1

Magneton is officially more hated than Forry.

- 0
- 0

Komedic Konservationist

N00b in the dungeon!
Ugggggggghhhhhh........ I hate ,em both goddamit!!!!!!!!! However, my vote goes to Registeel because although Aron is a p*ssing egg-headed bugger, his evos are cool. Registeel is always a fugly robot, as he has no evo.


If we're still doing the most hated...then I'm voting for Registeel

Let's just say I really hate all three regis!


registeel. i hate all the regi's, not to mention most of the ubers!
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