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Steelix. To Love? Or to Hate?


Yukimenoko Rox!!

Well, I was lookin for some training for my Blaziken and Shelgon, so i decided to got to the Western Cave, so my blaziken could get to the 90's levels and have the max recruit rate plus my friend bow=godly...or i would hope, then my shelgon could get to level 50 for evolving.

Along the way i recruited an ivysaur.

our little team went through about 30 floors of hell before i thought i was going to die of starvation. then on floor 59, i came upon a shop carrying one huge apple. joy. bought it, traded in some of the other crap i got. then grabbed the beauty ribbon. more joy. i went a few more floors then i was my empty belly would too close for comfort. so i downed the apple. last chance.

from about floor 62 to 90ish i was just munchin on the small berries found on the floor. (cherri, Oran, Pecha, Rawst, the like.) that was doin good for me. my shelgon was 6 levels up. (45) and I was about 3 or 4 up. (85) my ivysaur found at lvl 30 was even 35!

Then on 90 i got a miltank and loved that milk move, but had to lock it, cuz he just kept using it. grrrrr. then i got a monster house!! 3 charizards, blastoises, and steelixs...i was actually kinda proud, that i was gonna go out against my favorite pokemon, steelix. :)

But, my shelgon just kept unleashing dragonbreaths! slaughtering charizards left and right! I Double kicked a couple of blastoise and fired a flamethrower at steelix. then i noticed my miltank turn and launch a tackle at something (darkness hid whatever pokemon it was) then he took a massive 132 damage hit of 134 from a blastoise. I dunno why, but switching his milk drink on didn't even occur to me. ehh

so i overheated the last steelix and i ran over towards miltank as shelgon uses protect, and luckily he was right in the middle of the path facing the room. coverage for ivysaur! :)

(I should have said that I have all-terrain walker on my blaziken) cuz i am walking on water right towards my new pal miltank. but, he takes a water gun and passes away. no biggy. I jump in between my ivysaur and blastoise and unleash one final overheat to rip that murderer off my floor.

then i turn and try to get back to shelgon, and see that his protect is somehow still goin. hmm. well he uses a little ember on a steelix. then another, just as i get there, surprisingly killing it!!

Now i am so happy. i just survived a monster house on the 90th floor of the Western Cave!! i run up and collect my booty. luckily i had a max elixir with me as well. boom, all for me. then i head left and see the stairs!! yay! 1 down, 8 to go! about 3 steps from the stairs the message "getting hungry" pops up. gosh darnet!!!!!! and of course, my luck has run out and my last few berries are sticky.

so i switch my shelgon to leader, knowing that i can easily make it up 8 more floors on my shelgon's full belly. and head up, hoping that my blaziken will still move. (just in case you don't know, if you switch to a different pokemon from a pokemon with an empty belly, they don't move) - and he does! :)

Next floor, theres a couple coins lying around. pfft. i move on. i turn down a corner and face a massive steelix (lol, i can hardly even see my shelgon (im going downhard, steelix upward - blocking my view.)) I think that a single ember is going to cut it, so i launch one. boom, some 150 odd damage. buttttttttttttttttt................it doesn't kill him. of all the moves he possesses, what is the one that is super effective to dragons!?

Correct!!! And man oh man did that dragonbreath annihilate me!! like 200 damage when i have 130 hp. errrr

drat. dead shelgon, empty bellied lvl 86 blaziken, and a little level 35 recruited ivysaur.

so i did not complete the dungeon.

It wasn't all a waste, cuz i sure as heck did level my two actual teammates up tremendously!! but...i lost my friend bow, the beauty ribbon, and a ton of keys!!

i woke up with 1 key, two now unsticky berries, an also unstickied protein, and a warp orb. ehh.

the even greater part about that was that I only came into the dungeon with a huge apple. I said farewell to my surf knowing swampert upon entrance and set out.

The only thing i regret is losing my Ivysaur, cuz I would have really considered using him on my team. but now i can just return, but with a new friend bow, and an escape rope!

Thanks for readin, if you did.



< That's me! Hello!
Steelix isn't to much of a problem for me (Level 90+ Typhlosion murders Steelix) so I can go through the entire dungeon with Typhlosion, a Stamina band and Energy Saver equiped, a Huge Apple or two, and whatever food items I find. And all that alone to get through the dungeon and still have enough spunk to slay Mewtwo. Lucky me I guess.


Yukimenoko Rox!!
thats sad =( i think u needeed reviver seeds -_-

Incredibly, I found three along the way, but now that i think about it, I think that my Shelgon did die in that monster house on floor 90, taking my last one.......

Steelix isn't to much of a problem for me (Level 90+ Typhlosion murders Steelix) so I can go through the entire dungeon with Typhlosion, a Stamina band and Energy Saver equiped, a Huge Apple or two, and whatever food items I find. And all that alone to get through the dungeon and still have enough spunk to slay Mewtwo. Lucky me I guess.

same here, i would have done that, but i want a salamence. i need to find a tight belt.

Thanks for reading.


Well-Known Member
I don't mind Steelix, but only when it's on my team. My first encounter was tonight with Steelix after Magma Cavern, and it took so many hits to kill him I just escape orbed after I won.

I'd still say to love, but a bittersweet love.


Well-Known Member
Yea it can be a real pain. Good Job getting so far btw


Yukimenoko Rox!!
the title thing was because I love steelix and I hate the fact that i died by them. I know they are not hard, I was just saving my blaziken for the one thing that i knew might actually be hard.
i feel your pain... sort of. well, i died of hunger on western cave X3 so thats what i mean.
thats sad, i would save one of my pokes from hunger, but i only brought my articuno and some reviver seeds and huge apples and max elixers because my partners are idiots and use up all the reviver seeds :O
but yeah, i feel your pain.


Pokemon MD Addict
Ouch, that must have been annoying. I just recently got myself a Tight Belt, so no more hunger at all for me. But gosh, at least you didn't die of hunger in Silver Trench two times in a row! (happened to me a while ago)


Zigzagoon luv
Yep, Thats why I never Bring Charizard with me ever again, It attacks me and wastes my reviver seeds on Steelix because it uses Wing attack, alot.


Tyranitar Trainer
I have to say my worst experiance was the first time through Northwind feild. It was me a level 60 something Charizard, Blastoise at level 40 something, and Poliwag that I had recruited hoping to get a poliwrath when I finished.
On one floor I must have stept on like 3 grimer traps because all of my Huge Apples where grimy. My only escape orb was sticky so I couldn't leave either. eventully Poliwag died to Crawdaunt. I wish Crawdaunt had used bubblebeam instead of vicegrip. Then a few floors later, I had ran out of berries. I was very close to suicune by now like floor 24 or so. I start to see alot of politoed. No big deal right? Wrong. One Politoed hits me with hypnosis so I'm asleep. Blastoise keeps trying to use surf, but that is only healing it. eventully I wake up and politoed uses Perish song. It missed me luckily. Blastoise dies. I get annoyed at Politoed so I use fly dealing out 700 damage to the poor politoed. Whats cool is in the next room I found a revive seed. I did die to a Weezing who kept exploding and poisoning me. I made it to suicune with like 4 left in my belly. Fly took care of him easily. Some moves are just way to strong in this game.
I remember when I first started playing I was anhiliated by a Heracross who kept Enduring even though I was using ember constantly.
Doesnt really matter much to me, Most of my pokemon can OHKO it in one normal attack anyway.

Team 911

Dungeon Master
i baet mewtwos dungeon in the 50's;026;


New Member
Well, to answer your ACTUAL question, of course I love Steelix. I don't care if I get killed by him, I love him. The main reason I buy Pokemon games is because of Steelix ;208;