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Ho-oh's never die.
i thought i read somewhere that paralyze it or levetate it when its curled up because im having trouble with this part and if that real how do you make it curl up

Mystic Demon

Well-Known Member
I can't remember too much cause I'm just about to beat steelix and played it japanese but I shocked it and used a fighting type while he was coiled. Easiest pokemon I ever caught took nine seconds


Well-Known Member
It curls up on its own after a while, but yes, shock it with Plulse/Minun. Also the fighting type assist helps.

Ho-oh Master

Well-Known Member
what are you talking about? it is curled up when it sleeps?

rescue team powerpokes

D/P is finally here!


Well-Known Member
Yes, but a nice easter egg, when Steelix gets put to sleep in PMD, it curls up too! ^_^

But yeah, I don't own ranger, but I know how to beat every boss. *Knows how to navigate the site* XD


What I did was get the Sneasel nearby and use it on Steelix when it curled up.