steel master
Hi, and welcome to my sprite shop!
the rules are:
1. No Spamming
2. When you post a request if you want somebody to do it then ask them.
3. Permission is not nessecary, but you MUST give credit unless said otherwise.
4. no saying things like "l0l th1s Spr1t3 sh0p suks".
5. When you request, give some time for the sprite to be made.
6. please reply after something is made for you so i know i did'nt do it for no reason.
workers are:
Steelmaster2007(trainer cards, fusions, recolors, saimese, inversions, data forms, pokechao, shadows, battle scenes, eggs, and pokeballs.)
Paperninja8 (everything)
Now hiring workers!
To be hired, you must ask and then post what you can do.
trainer cards. tell me what pokemon you want, if they're shiny or not, what background color you want, what badges you want, what name you want on it, and give me the sprite you want as the trainer.
fusions, Combining two pokemon together. Give the pokemon you want combined, how to be combined, and what pokemons colors it should have.
recolors, changing the colors of a pokemon. Give the pokemon and what colors it should be.
inversions, a pokemon with it's colors inverted. Give the pokemon you want, and if you want a shiny version.
data forms. A pokemon colored black with it's outlines in a chosen color. Give the pokemon and outline color.
poke chaos. A chao version of the pokemon. Give the pokemon you want, and If you want a shiny version of a chao. Limited to three a requests per day
shadow pokemon. Basically a recolor with shadow colors. tell me the pokemon.
battle scenes. give me the pokemon, area, and what they are doing.
pokemon eggs. an egg version of a pokemon. tell me the pokemon and if its shiny or not.
pokeball. a pokeball version of a pokemon. tell me the pokemon and if its shiny or not.
Also... Saimese, trainer-pokemon fusions, custom trainers, Re-Elements, Themes, Costumes (paperninja8's idea), gum sticks (paperninja8's idea), marble pokemon (paperninja8's idea), Poke Emoticons (paperninja8's idea) and trainer cards. (sorry no picture. if you want to see a picture of them, look on page 2.)
thank you for coming to our sprite shop!!!
the rules are:
1. No Spamming
2. When you post a request if you want somebody to do it then ask them.
3. Permission is not nessecary, but you MUST give credit unless said otherwise.
4. no saying things like "l0l th1s Spr1t3 sh0p suks".
5. When you request, give some time for the sprite to be made.
6. please reply after something is made for you so i know i did'nt do it for no reason.
workers are:
Steelmaster2007(trainer cards, fusions, recolors, saimese, inversions, data forms, pokechao, shadows, battle scenes, eggs, and pokeballs.)
Paperninja8 (everything)
Now hiring workers!
To be hired, you must ask and then post what you can do.

trainer cards. tell me what pokemon you want, if they're shiny or not, what background color you want, what badges you want, what name you want on it, and give me the sprite you want as the trainer.

fusions, Combining two pokemon together. Give the pokemon you want combined, how to be combined, and what pokemons colors it should have.

recolors, changing the colors of a pokemon. Give the pokemon and what colors it should be.

inversions, a pokemon with it's colors inverted. Give the pokemon you want, and if you want a shiny version.

data forms. A pokemon colored black with it's outlines in a chosen color. Give the pokemon and outline color.

poke chaos. A chao version of the pokemon. Give the pokemon you want, and If you want a shiny version of a chao. Limited to three a requests per day

shadow pokemon. Basically a recolor with shadow colors. tell me the pokemon.

battle scenes. give me the pokemon, area, and what they are doing.

pokemon eggs. an egg version of a pokemon. tell me the pokemon and if its shiny or not.

pokeball. a pokeball version of a pokemon. tell me the pokemon and if its shiny or not.
Also... Saimese, trainer-pokemon fusions, custom trainers, Re-Elements, Themes, Costumes (paperninja8's idea), gum sticks (paperninja8's idea), marble pokemon (paperninja8's idea), Poke Emoticons (paperninja8's idea) and trainer cards. (sorry no picture. if you want to see a picture of them, look on page 2.)
thank you for coming to our sprite shop!!!
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