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StellarWind's Sprites of DOOM. Or something.


The Sylvan Saber
Well... Here's a few of mine. For some reason, a few of them refuse to lose the white outline (even though I edited them in Photoshop) Wierd. Ah well.


Inspired by the sheer ridiculousness of the Treecko and Charmander line being breedable with each other.

Zanbuzz - An Electabuzz/Zangoose fusion. (An anime-style picture of said fusion can be found in my dA gallery)

Teenage Mutant Ninja Squirtles, anyone?

Uh, Houndoom-Flygon. OR a Houndoom Raptor, whatever.

Mudchamp. Or if you wish, Mizu-Goro. xD

Polly Wanna Kyogre? I just realized that Blaziken and the Team Aqua grunt have the same bloody pose...

The Japanese word for 'Nuclear Bomb' is Pikadon. That made me think. xD (An anime-style picture of Pikadon can be found in my dA gallery. Shows the detail on the tail a lot better.)

Regice generates temperature close to absolute zero just by standing there. Shedinja steals souls if you look into its back view. Cross'em together and you get the ultimate untrainable creature. Not only it steals souls, it freeze-dries them! ^_^


Back when we speculated on Emerald's nature, a friend of mine suggested a 'Team Nimbus', who seek to capture Rayquaza to keep the sky clear for their airships... It just had to happen.

And this is the real brains behind Team Aqua... ARRRRR! Swablu the decks!

This girl's name is Mint. And she's related to a region I made up. (nods)

Gad, My character in the Hoenn RP on PokeCharms.

Katie, another character in the Hoenn RP on PokeCharms.


- Ennulithe, the 1st level Grass-type starter in my made-up region, Miato.

An overworld-map-style Metagross.

Hitmonchik, one of Iveechan's creations (I'm not sure it's fitting to the current Hitmonchik style as Ivee keeps changing her characters)

More (probably) to come.


Wooo-wah wah

This scremas potential to be a great sprite. It SCREAMS it. The back legs' outlining needs work, and the headpeice should be reshaded and maybe Reoutlined. The arms look awkward.


Thiisone roars to be a great sprite. The only problem is it's Tail. Its a great idea, but I think you could do better by redoing it, or at least making the curve of the tail more gradual.

The others are ok


Well-Known Member
Nice shading and lines and color. ^^ The Metagross overworld has a round-looking back, though, and I'm not sure if that's supposed to happen.
I like the Rejice and Shedinnija Mix. It sounds very funny. Welldoney


The Sylvan Saber
Actually, I created the Metagross sprite for a specific purpose. An adapted Monty Python's Flying Circus skit involving Steven. Shortly after, in a thread on a board that is no more (involving making up ridiculous "cheat codes"), I gave this skit a reference... And a screenshot:



Second... I made this sprite of my Anthro form... It's non-PokeMon, mind, but it was made using PokeMon sprites, so I figured close enough.


Mimori Kiryu

Well-Known Member
I really like your mixes O_O You have a lot of talent! My favorite one so far is your Houndoom/Flygon mix. That one's AWESOME!!

Your trainer ones are really well done! *goes to look at your dA account*

Oh, I also like the banner in your signature![/offtopicness]

As I believe I just told you on MSN, these are awesome, so I'll spam your thread to tell you that again. Your sprites are awesome. Utterly. Especially your anthro one. Congratulations, etc. You're brilliant.

Last edited:


Ditto Breeder ._.;
omg thats crazy. *im not good at reviewing these >.> at all* i love the teenage mutant ninja squirtle, that one made me laugh
DaIntreguingBakedPotato said:
omg thats crazy. *im not good at reviewing these >.> at all* i love the teenage mutant ninja squirtle, that one made me laugh
Just try your best okay but let me go to the reviewing the color looks weird to me.

;003;Dark Venusaur;003;


The Sylvan Saber
Yes, It's been a while. But I made two more trainer sprites.

Well, sort of. More like PokeMon-Style FMA sprites. ^^;

- Edward Elric, the Fullmetal Alchemist himself. ^_^ Hair is done from scratch.

- Envy, shapeshifting Homunculus Galore.

I would have done Greed too, but there isn't a sprite in the world I can base his effing ridiculous jacket on. xD


wow top notch!
You seriously should make a request thread..... And i love the charizard/sceptile!


Better then you
Dang you are good. I love them all. That bird sprite kinda reminds me of a Chocobo from Final Fantasy.


Eevee's for Ever
I love your starter! I think (if you havnet) you should start on custom and if you've been spriting for along time it could come out good, like the one in my sig. (my first)


The Sylvan Saber
"Hello, and welcome to the world of PokeMon! My name is Professor Erin Redwood - and around here, I am considered to be the leading researcher in the field of PokeMon.

What are those mysterious creatures, you ask?"

"PokeMon are creatures that have co-existed with humans in cooperation that has lasted for many an era around the world. Some PokeMon keep PokeMon as pets. Others test their skills and their PokeMon's skills on the field of battle.

However, just as PokeMon hold our fascination, they hold many mysteries. And it seems like every one we solve brings forth even more, more difficult mysteries. That is why researchers like myself are constantly on the front line of discovery - in laboratories or out there, observing them in the wild. I am always up for both.

But enough about me... What about you? What is your name?"


Wow! I really like the trainer card! (And everything else, of course!)

What did you use to make the close-up head on teh card? I'm just curious.