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Steve O's sprites of steveness


King of Randomness
Okay, right now I've only got 1 sprite- a town- but I'm in the middle of a trainer sprite, with overworlds. now the town!


It doesn't have a name yet, cuz I suck at naming things. suggestions?
C+C also please.

edit: I may as well post the trainer sprite too.
note: this is the official Steve O sprite C+C please.
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Wow! It's cool! But at the top of the town, where there is an ice rink and two people standing (one being a Team Rocket person) it looks like you wouldn't have to go through the ice rink but down beneath the buliding under the two people. Just thought if there was a possible way to just go through the ice rink or was the map supposed to be like that. Good job though! ^_^


King of Randomness
blazikengurl:Yeah it's supposed to be like that, you can go either way.

jakley:yeah there are a lot of people, but the police and the rocket dissapear after you beat the rocket, and the trainer takes you to his house to reward you. Thanks about the trainer sprite though

Also, i forgot to mention this, but i will probably be using the town and the trainer in a fangame.


King of Randomness
Okay, new sprite that i forgot about, it's a chao i made earlier, and i think it turned out pretty good, since it was my first chao attempt. C+C please!

It occurs to me now, that i should have deleted the scyther...
next project:steve o's trainer card.


Well-Known Member
wow! I really like the icicles off the roofs of the houses


King of Randomness
one last post before i'm off for the night!

killer kyogre:i'm not sure if those are normal sprites from fr/lg, because I never got into that game to play it all the way thru, but if it's not, then it's not my custom sprite.

Jakley:thanks again, but the wings don't look right, and the scythes seem off a little.

not sure what my next project is, but here's steve o's trainer card from directly after kanto, and registering in johto.

C+C please

pokeboy sarab

well you have made an awesome town and given it a true winter effect whichis great and i can't wait for you to make the overworld sprite for the trainer(if you are?)

Amaisan Axis

Jade Star Trainer
The chao has placement issues (the scythes come out of the waist, and the wings are coming out of the sides of the head).

Chaotic Pink

Let the zephyr blow.
I like the town alot, I can't really C&C on them though as I don't know enough about them.

With the Chao, the wings at the sythes need to be more of the same size, because at the moment the wings are alot smaller than the other parts them they should be more or less the same sizes.

Good job, especially on the map.


King of Randomness
pokeboy: Thanks! and yeah, I'm going to make some overworlds for the trainer.

amaisan axis: actually, the scythes are over the hands, just so it doesn't look like he's holding them, and i couldn't get the wings to look right anyways.

tomar:http://img143.imageshack.us/img143/1909/ajothountile2zi.png (Town and field tiles)

http://img85.imageshack.us/img85/2241/cavetiles2uf.png (Cave tiles)
I would give credit for the ice sprites, because they're not my customs, but i don't who's they are.

chaotic pink: thanks! I'll try again on the chao later, but for now, I've got different projects...


King of Randomness
alright! new sprite time! I've got steve o sporting new overworlds and a new idea of mine: a legendary blue vulpix. it's not super powerful like the other legends but there's only one in kanto, johto, hoenn or shinou!

also, a new card featuring the blue vulpix.



Eevee Coordinator
The pink on the belly of the Vulpix, seems a little too bright in contrast to the blue, the sprites are good, (Except he still has the backpack from the FR/LG protagonist) Have nothing wrong with the Trainer card
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