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In emerald is it possable for steven to re-challange you, becasue wally did and I didn't even know he could re-challange you since it didn't happen in any of my friend's game's.
Yeah also it would be very hard to beat him again


I don't know!
He still hasn't fought me twice. I can't imagine him getting stronger.


It only took me 1 try 2 beat him without like turing it off and trying again, but i mean by the time he rechallanges me or if he does I will be strong enough to beat him.


Are you sure that you can? I was always under the impression that you couldn't. Come to think of it, I did get a phone call and I had no idea who it was from, it didnt say. He said something about traveling and bonding w/ your pokes. I have played emerald 300+ hours and no rebattle from him :/


I don't know!
Maybe the second elite four dude. What was her name again?... Oh yeah! Phoebe (dunno if i spelled it right). She does talk about having a good bond with Your Pokemon. It might not be steven because you said it didn't say.


Well-Known Member
I'm pretty sure you can't rebattle him, because from what I've heard, all he says afterwards is about rocks.


I don't know!
Has anyone even fought him twice?

Galatica Phantom

Mineral Trainer
I would guess you can rebattle him, just like in G/S/C with Red. But, who knows...I need to buy a Emerald soon, but I have no money...xD


Well-Known Member
Looking at Serebii.net, it says that you only encounter him twice, In the Space centre, and in Meteor Falls. It looks like you can't rebattle him.


Maybe he doesn't call or show that he wants a rematch. What if he's like Red and you have to beat the E4 to have a rematch.


Well-Known Member
Thats probably right, because if he doesn't call you but people around here swear they battled him again, then it must have something to do with the Elite Four. And, that mysterious call from an anonymous person really creeps me out...


u can rebattle him after u beat the elite 4 but he is deep in meteor falls. he will call u once u beat the elite 4 (i think) but will not tell he wants to battle.
hoped this helped!​

Poke Freak

jssr903 said:
u can rebattle him after u beat the elite 4 but he is deep in meteor falls. he will call u once u beat the elite 4 (i think) but will not tell he wants to battle.
hoped this helped!​

Thank you SO much for telling us what we already know!

I'm pretty sure you only battle him the one time.


u can onli fight steven once in emerald...besides his pokemon was so lousy...i tink it would b gd if u can rebattle him but cant...
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