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If you stockpile once, the power/restoring isn`t very good, but if you keep Stockpiling for a couple of time it`s power/restoring will be better. I don`t know the exact power/restoring.
~PsyDragon Trainer ;381;


Active Member
thank you.....black licorice...i hate black LIVCORICE!!! *slams door*2 on hallopween night


Well-Known Member
what is the power of stockpile, spit-up, and swallow?

With 1 Stockpile Spit Up's power is 100.

With 2 Stockpiles Spit Up's power is 200.

With 3 Stockpiles Spit Up's power is 300.

For Swallow, it restores 1/4 HP with 1 Stockpile, 1/2 HP with 2 Stockpiles and all HP with 3 Stockpiles.


<-- Solves any case!
With 1 Stockpile Spit Up's power is 100.

With 2 Stockpiles Spit Up's power is 200.

With 3 Stockpiles Spit Up's power is 300.

For Swallow, it restores 1/4 HP with 1 Stockpile, 1/2 HP with 2 Stockpiles and all HP with 3 Stockpiles.

Actually 3/4 HP when full.

And seeing it, stockpile is pretty strong with spit-up. But the loss of a move-slot and turn are not worth it.