Never ever use stockpile, unless you feel a sudden urge to die!
I'm feeling the same way, I never use it because it s*cks, also that's why I never use Mawile, Pelipper, etc, etc
You know, Pelipper and Mawile can learn other moves... Just because they learn stockpile doesn't mean you have to use it on them.
what is the power of stockpile, spit-up, and swallow?
With 1 Stockpile Spit Up's power is 100.
With 2 Stockpiles Spit Up's power is 200.
With 3 Stockpiles Spit Up's power is 300.
For Swallow, it restores 1/4 HP with 1 Stockpile, 1/2 HP with 2 Stockpiles and all HP with 3 Stockpiles.