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Stoping Sharked and ARed pokemon from getting on wifi


Flip me to the side!
I got bored of netbattle(lacks animations and stuff), so i just start to use my "netbattle pokemon" in the game, so did my friends (like 15 of us have same possibilities of use AR), so it is not very unfair at least at my competition circle... of course it would be for all the kiddies that have Pikachu adamant and think it will rule on wi-fi , lmao.

sharked pokemon and action replays wont mess up your game, i know it. If they did, Wi-fi would become blown up
(Take the risk, it will help you.... ... .. . . ..)


Queen of Charizards!
sharked pokemon and action replays wont mess up your game, i know it. If they did, Wi-fi would become blown up
(Take the risk, it will help you.... ... .. . . ..)

You know that we were informed that GTS has been strict so cheaters can't bring hacked Pokemon in. I am one but i only hack them to have Metronome. So I'm not doing wi-fi


Queen of Charizards!
i not sure if i can do it. If i only told my parents about it., I might wait for D?p t ocome out here and i cna buy somethign for wi-fi too


I have no qualms about Action Replay, other than the fact that it may bug up the game, and that I might have a subpar pokemon, along with some coding that allows all pokemon to be magikarps, even if you create a new game. I don't have Action Replay, but I think I might just use it for just legendaries like Deoxys, but not Celebi.

I missed out on Space Center Houston. Those rare event Pokemon are like the racist Haitian references/Hot Coffee Mod in GTA. If you get the game late, you're screwed with a barebones game, without any juicy secrets.
Nintendo needs to giveaway those stuff online.


Well-Known Member
Any crusade against cheating is futile.

Also, as far as "working to get perfect IV's/EV's/ whatever v's" is not some honorable cause; it is a complete waste of time.

Now, using hacked perfect pokemon against non-hackers is kinda mean, but who am I to judge?

As far as the people who screw up their games w/action replay, be smart and back up your game. You probably just screwed your save data by doing something inadvertantly.

Try hard resetting.

Did the person who got the hacked piaruka get it from a trade or did they hack it themself?

Good rule of thumb: NEVER TRADE FOR A HACKED POKEMON!!!!

Hell, its probably a good idea to never trade online for legendaries, but that brings up a whole nother set of issues, like "How the heck do I get dialga/piaruka, etc."


Post it on billboards.
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The Sexy Nerd
I hack pokemon, but I won't post on the GTC, only trade with my friend, will still trade my legits (see my sig) over GTC. I have no qualms about receiving hacked Legendary's over WiFi.


The only cheating I consider remotely justifiable is for event legends.

Cheating for things like IVs is lame. Sure, you can be within legal limitations, but the thing is, the chance of actually getting IVs that good legitly is almost nil, not to mention it's not exactly fair for those people who spend hours soft resetting for good IVs/HP.

IMO, if people are too lazy to get things like IVs and EVs, then they should just stick to netbattle.
Okay, but I play games to enjoy them, not to prove to others that I can spend hours and hours and hours and hours looking for IVs and EVs. That kind of stuff is a complete waste of my time. (My patience finally broke as I was soft-resetting for weeks for a Latias on southern island - and i got there using a legitimate eon ticket) May I ask you - how much time do YOU spend looking for "good" IVs? What are "good" IVs to you? (when I used to soft reset I look for an IV of 31 in the stat I want it in)

And IMO it's only "unfair" to those who soft-reset for hours (god bless their determination) if you battle people like me who use AR to hack these pokemon within legal limitations.
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Psychic Master
Unless I'm mistaken, when transfered to Sinnoh, the trainer card would either say caught in Pal Park or From Hoenn/Kanto/ whatever.

Besides, what good would that do? You can easily modify the location caught.

As far as trainer ID and hidden trainer ID are concerned, there are codes to set those too.

Basically, every aspect of a pokemon can be artificially created/modified, and they could be set within legal limits, making them undetectable to anyone.

This way, an uber Aruseus could be cloned and sent to hundreds of games/participate in hundreds of battles and cheaply pown everyone, yet still be unblockable by the system.

So, how do ya like them apples, huh?

My point exactly


Well-Known Member

As far as recieving hacked legendaries over GTS, its not a matter of being legit; its a matter of safety.

You never know how someone might have screwed up a hack.

Be safe. Hack your own monsters.
Word. Hackers are ruining wi-fi as we speak. If you have hacked pokemon than don't post them on wi-fi. I bet cheaters will find a way around the rules sooner or later. :(



i get hacking pokemon is bad but come on people its not a sin or against the law i mean making your own pokes is bad and maxed out stats at 999 but other than that chill out its just a game.


Flip me to the side!
Okay, but I play games to enjoy them, not to prove to others that I can spend hours and hours and hours and hours looking for IVs and EVs. That kind of stuff is a complete waste of my time. (My patience finally broke as I was soft-resetting for weeks for a Latias on southern island - and i got there using a legitimate eon ticket) May I ask you - how much time do YOU spend looking for "good" IVs? What are "good" IVs to you? (when I used to soft reset I look for an IV of 31 in the stat I want it in)

And IMO it's only "unfair" to those who soft-reset for hours (god bless their determination) if you battle people like me who use AR to hack these pokemon within legal limitations.

Bravo!, that was my point exactly, it helps to have some things easy, than just "shiny hunt" forever.... and the iv, ev etc are vital for playing against people that does the same.


Well-Known Member
Hacking takes the fun out of the game; if you think EV/IV are a waste of time, stick to Netbattle, where a few simple keystrokes would get you the stats you want. Heck, that's easier than hacking.

I really don't care if people who hack play against each other; what they do with their games is their business. But if Nintendo were to hold online tournaments for, say, event Pokemon, then I will absolutely abhor hackers who make the environment unfair for those who don't hack.


Queen of Charizards!
That is why I might transfer two of teh same Pokemon onto Diamond, OPne will not have Metronome (which I will use on Wi-fi if i can ever do it) and the other one will have Metronome for D/P and when PBR is out. It will make everyone happy


Aw, cute :-3
Okay, here's a way (possibly) to tell if a Pokemon is hacked.

First of all, where was it caught? Check http://serebii.net for the Pokedex. Was it caught at the right place? At the right level? I got a Beldum, lv. 3, caught in masterball on Route 204. Legit? Yeah, right. If only I'd known that when I traded for it.

What was it caught in? A masterball? Here's a quick list of Pokemon you WONT find in a Masterball:
- ALL starters.
- Celebi
- Eevee
- Jirachi
- Rioru
- Lucario
- Pinpukku
(those are all I can think of right now)
But just because it's caught in a Master Ball doesn't mean it's automatically not legit (unless it's one of the Pokemon above).

What level was it caught at? If it was caught at lv. 100 anywhere but Pal Park, then, sorry friend, it's not legit.

If its name is all weird and goes past the gender symbol, it's hacked. I had an Electrike whose name was glitched up like that. It is a shiny code for the Japanese 3rd-gen games. The Pokemon is legit; the shiny is not.

Who is the Original Trainer? If it's me, JAMIE, then it's obviously a hack or a clone of one of my legit shinies. Check around. If the person is known as a hacker, don't take it.

If the ID number is 000000 or something similar, it's probably a hack.

If the EXP bar is weird, it MIGHT be legit, but it was leveled up using the Action Replay and accelerated EXP gain.

Shinies in the train window. Hover over them. Look at the bottom screen and take note of the gender. Now view the Pokemon's stats. If the gender's different, it's most obviously a hack.

I myself NEVER give hacked Pokemon for legit Pokemon unless the person knows they're getting a hax0r and they truly want it.

On the GTS, the only way to tell is the name. If it's a messed-up name, don't get it. (it wil look all weird and glitchy if so). Otherwise, you really can't tell. You might end up getting ripped off, sadly. I should know, as it happened to me once (I got a hacked shiny Eevee off the GTS for a Dialga).

Hoping this helps prevent you guys from getting duped!
~Korinku ;403;
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