Okay, here's a way (possibly) to tell if a Pokemon is hacked.
First of all, where was it caught? Check
http://serebii.net for the Pokedex. Was it caught at the right place? At the right level? I got a Beldum, lv. 3, caught in masterball on Route 204. Legit? Yeah, right. If only I'd known that when I traded for it.
What was it caught in? A masterball? Here's a quick list of Pokemon you WONT find in a Masterball:
- ALL starters.
- Celebi
- Eevee
- Jirachi
- Rioru
- Lucario
- Pinpukku
(those are all I can think of right now)
But just because it's caught in a Master Ball doesn't mean it's automatically not legit (unless it's one of the Pokemon above).
What level was it caught at? If it was caught at lv. 100 anywhere but Pal Park, then, sorry friend, it's not legit.
If its name is all weird and goes past the gender symbol, it's hacked. I had an Electrike whose name was glitched up like that. It is a shiny code for the Japanese 3rd-gen games. The Pokemon is legit; the shiny is not.
Who is the Original Trainer? If it's me, JAMIE, then it's obviously a hack or a clone of one of my legit shinies. Check around. If the person is known as a hacker, don't take it.
If the ID number is 000000 or something similar, it's probably a hack.
If the EXP bar is weird, it MIGHT be legit, but it was leveled up using the Action Replay and accelerated EXP gain.
Shinies in the train window. Hover over them. Look at the bottom screen and take note of the gender. Now view the Pokemon's stats. If the gender's different, it's most obviously a hack.
I myself NEVER give hacked Pokemon for legit Pokemon unless the person knows they're getting a hax0r and they truly want it.
On the GTS, the only way to tell is the name. If it's a messed-up name, don't get it. (it wil look all weird and glitchy if so). Otherwise, you really can't tell. You might end up getting ripped off, sadly. I should know, as it happened to me once (I got a hacked shiny Eevee off the GTS for a Dialga).
Hoping this helps prevent you guys from getting duped!
~Korinku ;403;