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Stoping Sharked and ARed pokemon from getting on wifi


Safe disconnect. You can never stop hackers. Even if Nintendo tries to do a block, the hackers will just hack by it. I prefer to fight a hacker with hacking, but if you can't hack then safe disconnect.


Aw, cute :-3
Safe disconnect. You can never stop hackers. Even if Nintendo tries to do a block, the hackers will just hack by it. I prefer to fight a hacker with hacking, but if you can't hack then safe disconnect.

Speaking of which, I once knew a guy who's able to hack your DS and ruin it completely. It scares me. *shudders*


Speaking of which, I once knew a guy who's able to hack your DS and ruin it completely. It scares me. *shudders*

You probably mean Parasyte. He's probably the best hacker around. But you can't hack someone else's DS unless it's in your hands, otherwise it's impossible. Of course, someone could always hack some weird item on Animal Crossing or something, and send it and it kills your game. But that's VERY hard to do, and I'm sure no hacker cares much about doing it. Hackers don't want to mess up peoples' games, in fact they want things to be better. Some hacks are extremely helpful.


I say that if the legendaryes are within the legitimate boundaries, with legitimate movesets, and caught in the respective area, they should be allowed.

Like take mew for instance, you go to faraway island, chase around that little b*st*rd and catch it, don't you think it deserves to battle with the other pokemon, cut thre little guy some slack, it's not HIS fault his owner didn't have tome to go to toys r us.

It won't harm anyone's game, it just makes dreams become reality, I say
in mastercard comercial style

Thirty dollars

Wifi conector
thirty four dollars and nindy cents

Broadband internet
twenty nine dollars and ninty nine cents

Expression on eleven year old when he finally gets he cute little cat,

So you see, evil things can be used for good, not just to defeat a charizard with a 999 stat caterpie.

I am a good cheater, I EV train, I gather TMs, I make my own pokeblock, I play the game legitimately before cheating, and I am not a bad person because of it, period.


Queen of Charizards!
I'm not a bad cheater either. Heck the only thing that is bad is I give them all Metronome. But for Wi-fi I will have an extra team of Pokemon that will NOT have metronome


But what's the point of all having metronome, I'd only cheat to get substitute since you only get one, and I didn't use it on my old safe file,

So you see people, not ALL cheaters are bad, and we don't all use an 00ber team either.


Well-Known Member
I don't like cheating if it's to give your poke'mon 999hp or whatever, but to get poke'mon like Deoxys is understandable since they make it so hard to get these event poke'mon.(Not everyone can afford to drive or fly to texas or anywhere the event is or newyork.. sorry. >.<)

The mew event was ok, but not everyone can skip work or whatever to get to it I'm hoping future events will be from ds download stations and off of the wii or something that'd be easier I really wished they gave out the old sea chart instead, but since the TRU people allowed you to get more than one mew it made up for it.

Atleast we can get the password for the poke'mon ranger for the manaphy mission soon, but i'm worried about the other event poke'mon I hope they make them or the item to be downloaded.

I've cheated on my blue before never messed it up I only did it to get mew after that I didn't use it.


Well-Known Member
To Korinku:

What's your point?

A good hacker can control where it was caught, what it was caught with, the id, etc., and can hack it WELL (no glitches).

See, its the people who hack poorly that are dangerous.

Just like people who DON'T know how to handle a gun.

See, it really boils down to the fact that pokemon are really a relatively small set of variables; change the variables, change the pokemon.

Since its such a limited number of variables, a decent hacker can easily create a fully functioning and legal pokemon that cannot be told apart from legit pokemon.


Psychic Master
It should be possible to block as the Pokemon's data has been altered via an outside device. The only real question is, "Does Nintendo care enough to do something about it?"

You miss the point a skilled AR'er/GS'er can make pokemon identical to the ones that can be cought in game.
I can alter:
  • The name
  • The Level
  • The OT ID
  • The OT Secret ID
  • The OT Gender
  • The Ball It Was Caught In
  • The Location And Level It Was Met
  • Obedient (For Deoxys)
  • IVs/EVs
  • Moves
  • Ribbons
  • Pokerus
  • Shiney
  • Ability
  • Lv. and EXP
I can and will make AR'ed Pokemon and will battle with them, but they will be within legal limits regarding IVs EVs and Move sets.

One final question. Why would an AR'er need to trade,why not make the poke you need


Queen of Charizards!
Thats why I don't trade. I have my AR to catch all the Pokemon. And i use Pokemon that are not hacked with Metronome for batteling so I play fair.


my opinion is that yes cheating is bad but as long as you dont interfre with others gaming experiece by trading or posting hacked pokemon on the gts and over the wifi and dont battle people with maxed otu stats it ok so for all u hackers keep it to your selves and we will be happy


Well-Known Member
thank you lordraviel!

BTW, obedience is also necessary for mew

Also, buy editing DV's, you edit the hidden type and hidden power's strength as well.

And you can edit hold items!

Yeah, I think that that's it...

Point is, how the heck is nintendo supposed to screen a perfect copy?

You probably can edit the number of pp ups that have been used.


Well-Known Member
People are worried for two reasons:

1. There are idiots who cannot hack very well that are spamming the GTS with buggy pokemon that could pose a hazard to the game.

2. People are worried that the Wi-Fi battle system will be ruined by overpowerd pokemon

Nintendo can solve that one easily by only allowing legal configurations, but that leaves two problems:

1. Hackers can get pokemon with ultimate IVs that are almost impossible to obtain


2. Hackers can create a team that would take a hardcore player a long time to train

The second one is not an issue for me; I have no sympathy for people who believe wasting hours raising the ultimate pokemon is an honorable pursuit.

Dear lord, get a life! lol

However, it does give anyone with a GS/AR and half a brain a heck of an edge.

Whatever. Battle with your friends or use an honors system. Outside of Netbattle Situations, fighting with overly idealized pokemon is just not cool.


Well I got my AR for a reason... time saving. I probably won't hack "legitimate" pokemon with a 31 IV in every stat for D/P pokemon yet until someone else can prove it's safe to do so. I don't have an AR for DS yet either.

I don't know if my hacked pokemon will have a life other than battling CPU opponents. Right now I have max IV pokemon for the Battle Frontier in Emerald, then I plan to transfer them over to D/P to take on their Battle Tower. Once that's done and PBR comes around, I'll use those same pokemon for the CPU battles there. Other than that, I can't see myself using these pokemon against real people who don't cheat. It's kinda unfair. :eek: (Maybe all you legit hackers can battle with me netbattle style on PBR eventually. We'd be equals stat-wise. :p )


Well-Known Member
What about people that like use a gameshark to change all wild pokemon into Naetoru since they didn't choose it as a starter, but start it off at level 5 and train it and don't rasie EV's and all the rest of the stuff to cheat and just wanted that pokemon like LordRaviel said.


Well-Known Member
That's still cheating, since it's not how you're supposed to get the starter. Besides, people are more then willing to trade starter eggs.


Well-Known Member
I use eggs too. I was just seeing how someone felt about that. See what I do is I just get the starters I don't have from someone else and then I make an egg and give them back their starter than I train the starter. Some people do make the starter and train it. I've never found that to be "real" cheating. Also how about the transportation glitch that take you to places like "Faraway Island" and "Birth Island" and so on? You catch the Pokemon rightfully, you just didn't get to the place rightfully right?


Well-Known Member
I guess it's still technically cheating, since you should be going to the events to get them, but no one will know from the Pokemon's description.

Shining Shadow

Score For Z-Gravity
I wouldnt advise using the GTS too much seeing as you have no way of telling what your getting untill it's too late. I offered up a level 51 Diaruga for a Parukia and once i recieved the Parukia my game became un-able to start Gym/E4 battles...Probably the victim of an inexperienced hacker. Aw well it got refunded by PlayAsia so i just don't use the GTS anymore, No problems with the new game at all.

*EDIT* Yay Ranky Up ;)