I say that if the legendaryes are within the legitimate boundaries, with legitimate movesets, and caught in the respective area, they should be allowed.
Like take mew for instance, you go to faraway island, chase around that little b*st*rd and catch it, don't you think it deserves to battle with the other pokemon, cut thre little guy some slack, it's not HIS fault his owner didn't have tome to go to toys r us.
It won't harm anyone's game, it just makes dreams become reality, I say
in mastercard comercial style
Thirty dollars
Wifi conector
thirty four dollars and nindy cents
Broadband internet
twenty nine dollars and ninty nine cents
Expression on eleven year old when he finally gets he cute little cat,
So you see, evil things can be used for good, not just to defeat a charizard with a 999 stat caterpie.
I am a good cheater, I EV train, I gather TMs, I make my own pokeblock, I play the game legitimately before cheating, and I am not a bad person because of it, period.