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Stoping Sharked and ARed pokemon from getting on wifi


Well-Known Member
That's kind of scary...

Maybe I'll just trade with people I trust.


I don't know!
if you recently checked the original site it said that legendaries can only be the level they're caught at or higher, and no hacked PkMn can be used...did someone say this already...
EDIT: People that can hack your DS with an item or PkMn? omfgzorx...how could you tell if something is hacked? ;492;
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Well-Known Member
what so your saying if you get a non legit pokemon eg. sharked , ite will mess up our games!
so if i want ..say a manaphy and someone gives me a sharked one it would mess up my game. this is ridiculous


What about people that like use a gameshark to change all wild pokemon into Naetoru since they didn't choose it as a starter, but start it off at level 5 and train it and don't rasie EV's and all the rest of the stuff to cheat and just wanted that pokemon like LordRaviel said.
Well that's stupid, you can TELL it's hacked because you can catch it at places you aren't able to. The best way (so that nobody can tell it's hacked) is to hack a "legit" Naetoru egg and hatch it. That was how you did it in RSE, and nothing bad happened when it hatched, but who knows what kind of weird stuff happens this time around if you hack in D/P.
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Well-Known Member
sausagewalls, it won't necessarily kill your game... but it could if it was done incorrectly.

You don't know where its been. If your feeling lucky, go for it.

Figuring out quality hacks of pokemon in DP is only a matter of time.

Guy, I know that they SAID no hacked pokemon, but think about it.
How can they tell a hack with standard stats/moves from a legit pokemon?

They can't.


Well-Known Member
I thought that hacked pokemon werent able to survive out of the game they were hacked in(atleast poorly hacked ones)


is back.
I know it sounds stupid but whats gamefreak? I thought nintendo makes pokemon. Cansomebody please explain this to me? I am a noob at this.

game freak is the little yellow rocket ship that appears before you get to the title screen.

Sir Devious

Sir Devious
People always will, and it is the BIGGEST shame, really.


Darkrai's servant
Why the hell does everyone think that AR pokemon will mess up your game, they don't, get over it


Grass Specialist
Just ask people if they have AR or GS pokemon. Most likely they will tell you that they have AR or GS pokemon. They are pokemon after all aren't they?


Master of Oceans
they should just put a basic filter, like when you enter the wifi room it will say: The pokemon in your party have been obtained in a way that is illegal, you may not enter the wifi room with the following; and then it tells you the hacked pokemon.


Well-Known Member
And how, Mr. Erik, do you propose nintendo create this magic filter?

A pokemon is determined by a rather small number of variables that can easily be determined and changed within legal limits.

So, as I've said several times already, if a pokemon is hacked within legal limits, and if it doesnt cause your game to explode, there is absolutely no way for Nintendo or anyone else to be able to tell the difference between a hacked pokemon or a legit one.

They tried foiling hackers with deoxys and mew: they created an obedience code that would screw up those monsters if they were sharked.

But guess what? The hacking community figured out how to modify that one too!

You can't stop the hackers no matter how hard you try. Accept it.

The dangerous ones are the really bad hackers: they create the pokemon that screw up the game.

legendary pkm master

Water Pokemon Master
hold up...it can mess up your game if you get a sharked pkm??
cant you just read its summary and check the numbers and stuff like the stats cuz thats how i spot fakes


They should put in a filter for illegal movesets and stats, but nothing more, to prevent irritating gameplay on Wifi. Trust me though, if a hacked Pokemon isn't denied in the Wifi trading spot, it won't do anything to your game. (unless something weird like a bad egg.)
its basically impossible to stop ar or gs pokemon from being on wifi, especially if you trade with them. It is like basically impossible to know if they hacked it because it could have a legal moveset, and it would say where it was caught. and yea lol