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Stoping Sharked and ARed pokemon from getting on wifi


Well-Known Member
Well if there is a way to prove if a pokemon is sharked why can't they put it on WI FI

Mega Trickster

Blargagh blargh
it blocks all Deoxys.

Only the sharked ones.

Well if there is a way to prove if a pokemon is sharked why can't they put it on WI FI

They can, they did. But it's just a very basic filter to prevent underleved cheated ledgends.

XD Mewtwo

I use action replay and I think nintendo is slacking off. I got my self the nightmarish pokemon know as feebas and his evo by cheating. Will nintendo know? No, because I can breed feebas with ditto and get legal feebas. Evoling feebas is easy with 99 of every berry, with the eception of having only one E-card berry. I use the action replay skillfully, not like someone who cheats to get everything. So don't group me with cheaters, group me in a one of a kind catorgery. I won't be giving away cheated pokemon, I have too many pokemon, about all my boxes are full! Why can't nintendo just have a message that says illegal pokemon detected!, and you have the option diconneck or keep playing.


herd u liek mudkips?
And ARed Mews, too. You can't trade an ARed Mew or Deoxys to any third generation game. I know from experience. So Genius Sonority has the same filter as GameFreak.

Bad Skitty

Caught em' all
XD doesnt even block all sharked deoxies. I know someone with a shiny space-c deoxies who never went to america in their life. It works perfectly on XD as does their shiny 'Mystry' mew. Even that filter can be bypassed if the person knows what they are doing.


Well-Known Member
I totally agree. I probably won't be using Wi-Fi to get Pokemon... since I already have all of the unobtainables so far, and I live in an area where the events always come.

But yeah, I agree that Nintendo should implement something to stop illegal Pokemon.


Well-Known Member
I know it sounds stupid but whats gamefreak? I thought nintendo makes pokemon. Cansomebody please explain this to me? I am a noob at this.

Bad Skitty

Caught em' all
If they had online events they will need much better filters. even if its just to get rid of pokemon with illegal stats, area caught, illegal moves and wrong lv caught. even if a 'hacked' one gets through. if it is within 'legal' limits it wont impact on anyones game.


Obsessive Beader/Mod
I think this would belong in D/P...I know threads there need to be approved so if the D/P mods don't think this thread is appropriate feel free to move/delete/whatever. ;)


Well-Known Member
It's already ruined Wi-Fi. Japan has tons of cheaters too.

If you don't want to take the risk, then don't use Wi-Fi.

And your game wont explode if you get a sharked Pokemon <_<

i think using the ar on a regular basis is bad, i only use mine to go to events, not get the pokemon, but go therre, the events are never in my neck of the woods!
Hey TRJessie havent seen you in a long time nice to see you again.

Anyway it already has ruined WiFi my friend has DP and he said he sees about a hundred people auctioning off aruseus


Gamefreak needs to include a FILTER!I know a lot of cheaters will AR a Legendary and trade on Wi-fi.Wouldn`t that take the legendary pokemon`s rarity away?You could easily find a ARed Darkrai on Wi-fi.Since it will now be Common...Everyone will have one..Plus the Cheaters could easily destroy us in battles.....They better have something like Mods to block these cheaters...


Well-Known Member
how about just banning all the rare "unobtainable berries(eg.enigma etc)" and legendaries from competitve battling? I mean legendaries such as the unobtainables like mew and jirachi are common targets of hacking. I dont know how they could prevent hacked pokemon from getting on wifi,it seems pretty hard...also,even thought they might be cheats,you shouldn really complain because your not the one taking the risks to get them...and I dont really care how i get them(i wont use an AR though),because it is hard for the third world countries to get events.

Owle Isohos

Well-Known Member
I don't think Nintendo should block the cheated Pokemon, but I would like it if the Pokemon were "tagged" somehow...like had a little warning that came up saying "this Pokemon has been modified using a cheating device. Are you sure you want to continue?"

*shrugs* That way the people who use cheating devices can have fun, and those of us who wish to avoid them can have fun, too.


Aw, cute :-3
Guess it's on the honor system. Too bad lots of people aren't very honorable and trustworthy. >_> Luckily, I will be. If I'm giving out a hacked Pokemon, well, they're going to d*** sure know it's hacked and if that's what they want, that's what they get. If they want a level 2 Jirachi...well, that's fine with me, as long as they're willing to take an ARed Pokemon.


PokeTrainer Miki
yeah we should actually start a non-cheaters thread for wifi trading or is there one already? that way we can still trade safely


Active Member
how about just banning all the rare "unobtainable berries(eg.enigma etc)" and legendaries from competitve battling? I mean legendaries such as the unobtainables like mew and jirachi are common targets of hacking. I dont know how they could prevent hacked pokemon from getting on wifi,it seems pretty hard...also,even thought they might be cheats,you shouldn really complain because your not the one taking the risks to get them...and I dont really care how i get them(i wont use an AR though),because it is hard for the third world countries to get events.

banning them would made it become more like wifi-battle tower... hey wait, but it will be more fun...

but it is still difficult to detect edited pkms, they will need a filter for base stats, iv, dv, move set, origin, capture level...etc

i have tested the wifi battle thing with pokemon maker, the only filter they got so far is base stats, move set and origin, so well....

btw, jirachi are not unobtainable, they are easy to get, you just need to pay for GC...
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