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Stoping Sharked and ARed pokemon from getting on wifi


Just a pokemon fan
Making a good filter for hacked pokemon is practically impossible. We would have to actually define what is a hacked pokemon. A pokemon that is created by a cheating device under "normal" circumstances is a hacked pokemon; however, how can a filter detect a pokemon that was created by Action Replay but is under the legal IVS, is under the legal EVS, is under the legal level caught, under the legal trainer that caught it if is like Jirachi for example, in the legal place caught, with the legal item caught, as you can see there are different people very clever in programming the codes, with them. As you can see its practically impossible to see this pokemon, the only factor that I could not guarantee is if there are certain hidden codes that hackers do not detect, but I think that they are very good at cracking them.


Gardevoir Hunter
Making a good filter for hacked pokemon is practically impossible. We would have to actually define what is a hacked pokemon. A pokemon that is created by a cheating device under "normal" circumstances is a hacked pokemon; however, how can a filter detect a pokemon that was created by Action Replay but is under the legal IVS, is under the legal EVS, is under the legal level caught, under the legal trainer that caught it if is like Jirachi for example, in the legal place caught, with the legal item caught, as you can see there are different people very clever in programming the codes, with them. As you can see its practically impossible to see this pokemon, the only factor that I could not guarantee is if there are certain hidden codes that hackers do not detect, but I think that they are very good at cracking them.

Frankly, there is no reason to block a pokemon that is in all ways "normal" other than the way it was obtained.

The only need for blocking pokemon is those that are in no way, shape, or form "normal."

If someone wants to create a normal, shiny, whatever, let them.

It won't affect the way they battle.

It won't give them any real sense of satisfaction either (other than the thrill of hacking--which will eventually get them in trouble when they hack into the Pentagon mainframe ^_^).

Just my humble opinion.


well that is why we need the knowledge of how to tell whether a pokemon is LEgit or not :D


well that is why we need the knowledge of how to tell whether a pokemon is LEgit or not :D

And there will always be hackers that will work out a way around it.

You all seem convinced that you can't trade hacked Mew and Deoxys around, or use hacked ones in Colo/XD, yet you are all seemingly unaware of KPDavatars program. These two in particular have an event flag which is why in normal hacking they don't work, but since this program codes a pokemon from scratch.

My point is there is always ways around it. What is the big deal anyway. As long as they aren't cheating to win.


PokeTrainer Miki
the big deal is that through GTS you can't know whether a pokemon's been hacked and you could end up getting a hacked pokemon which could ruin your game.


PokeTrainer Miki
How exactly does a sharked Pokemon mess up your game? I've never had any problems with them.

i dunno i've never had one thankfully but i heard that if you want to participate in a tournament organised by nintendo you wouldn't be able to


The only way to distinguish a hacked Pokemon is by stats, IV's, EV's, origin and moves.

So, If a cheated Pokemon has legal Stats, IV's, origin and whatever else, it will most certainly pass any filter that may be put in place.


Well avoiding Sharked and ARed Pokemon will be tough....So just avoid them and just collect friend codes from People who don`t cheat (Like me).

Anyway I am 100% certain someone will Post a Pokemon D/P Wi-Fi thread here..Once they release it here..and of course there will be Pokemon Leagues here...


it shone! ^_^
So, If a cheated Pokemon has legal Stats, IV's, origin and whatever else, it will most certainly pass any filter that may be put in place.

What do you consider to be legal IV's? Since it is possible to get a Pokemon with a 31 IV in each stat; it's just extremely difficult.


IV/EV n00b :(
What's the point, XD?

One: If they implement a safeguard, someone will still find a way around it. They always do. Plus, safeguards such as that would put Action Replay and other companies out of business. It's not happening.
Two: Traded Pokemon messing up games seems to be a myth spread only to ruin the experience of playing the game online.

I don't care either way because I don't use cheating devices. A waste of money... and it IS cheating.

Cipher Admin Xaos

Dust to Dust
I used AR on my sapphire. Now most of my pokemon i use for Battle Frontier and ORRE Colo have Earthquake :3. Playing against haxxorz'd pokemon in wifi WON'T BUG ME. The thing that will is if i win, the other person would turn of his or her DS to avoid losing and that will scramble the battle..thus it was like i never fought them x_X


Legendary Collector
I must say this one thing, it is as follows, I have PLENTY of ARed Pokemon, on my Fire Red, Ruby, Sapphire, and my Emerald, and guess what, my games are just fine, so in conclusion, I say this, those who think it will mess up their games are PARANOID!!! If there is sharked or ARed pokemon on Wi-fi, just make sure that you know, don't block them, just make sure you know. What do you think CLONED Pokemon are?


PokeTrainer Miki
CLONED Pokemon are?

they are the result of a completely natural glitch in the game


Legendary Collector
they are the result of a completely natural glitch in the game

True, but they are still manipulated code, which is exactly what a Shark or AR does! Which could do the same or even worse to any game with a improperly activated or entered code.
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PokeTrainer Miki
True, but they are still manipulated code, which is exactly what a Shark or AR does!

but the shark/AR is not made by nintendo which means its not meant to be used in the game/ not legal. it's just a matter of opinion after all.


Legendary Collector
but the shark/AR is not made by Nintendo which means its not meant to be used in the game/ not legal. it's just a matter of opinion after all.

well it is legal technically... or they could have never sold it. :) I do agree that it is a matter of opinion after all, but everybody has a right to their own opinion, though some forget this, and think that their opinion is the only one, not you Pikamiki, but some.


PokeTrainer Miki
right to their own opinion, though some forget this, and think that their opinion is the only one, not you Pikamiki, but some.

yeah i agree, well i just hope i can find some non-sharking/ar using ppl who will trade with me when i get the game

Wisest Pikachu

The Wisest of Pikach
Well, I don't even see the problem with using Gamshark to get Pokemon you can't get other ways. I'm not going to buy both versions. And I can't get to the events for most of the event Pokemon. I try to capture all the Pokemon I can in the game, but if I can't, I don't see the problem with using AR or GS. Also, I don't mess with the stats. I just am trying to complete my Pokedex which would be impossible to do otherwise. Was really helpful in R/B when you had all of one Eevee. Or you wanted the other Fossil Pokemon. Breeding has really helped there, but I doubt people will be trading version exclusive Pokemon that often.


Legendary Collector
Well, I don't even see the problem with using Gamshark to get Pokemon you can't get other ways. I'm not going to buy both versions. And I can't get to the events for most of the event Pokemon. I try to capture all the Pokemon I can in the game, but if I can't, I don't see the problem with using AR or GS. Also, I don't mess with the stats. I just am trying to complete my Pokedex which would be impossible to do otherwise. Was really helpful in R/B when you had all of one Eevee. Or you wanted the other Fossil Pokemon. Breeding has really helped there, but I doubt people will be trading version exclusive Pokemon that often.

What you just said Wisest Pikachu is exactly why I use an AR.