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Stoping Sharked and ARed pokemon from getting on wifi


Legendary Collector
yeah i agree, well i just hope i can find some non-sharking/ar using ppl who will trade with me when i get the game

Hey when I get Diamond, in America, Pikimiki, I'll trade you some pokemon who would be ARed, but I will make sure they will not harm your game, I promise.


PokeTrainer Miki
Hey when I get Diamond, in America, Pikimiki, I'll trade you some pokemon who would be ARed, but I will make sure they will not harm your game, I promise.

okay as long as its on pearl


Pikamiki- i have Legit Darkrais and Shiemis :D


Legendary Collector


Well-Known Member
Gamefreak needs to include a FILTER!I know a lot of cheaters will AR a Legendary and trade on Wi-fi.Wouldn`t that take the legendary pokemon`s rarity away?You could easily find a ARed Darkrai on Wi-fi.Since it will now be Common...Everyone will have one..Plus the Cheaters could easily destroy us in battles.....They better have something like Mods to block these cheaters...

Agreed, since cloning is legit as well as those Shemi and Darkrai glitches, then they should still be okie, and ppl can get the unobtainable trio thru WiFi.

But the rest, destroy them. I hate how on Mario Kart DS, you get all these ppl who 'snake' and who've blantly cheated. They're annoying, but been given a cheated and potenially game fatal pkmn is far worse.


PokeTrainer Miki
QUOTE]Pikamiki- i have Legit Darkrais and Shiemis[/QUOTE]

i hope i'll have them too. i'll have to wait and see if my game'll have the glitch

What do you mean? Agreed.

i mean that i'll trade sharked ones via pearl which will be the "use4everythin" game. i'll get an english diamond when it comes out as my proper game


Legendary Collector
Agreed, since cloning is legit as well as those Shemi and Darkrai glitches, then they should still be okie, and ppl can get the unobtainable trio thru WiFi.

But the rest, destroy them. I hate how on Mario Kart DS, you get all these ppl who 'snake' and who've blantly cheated. They're annoying, but been given a cheated and potenially game fatal pkmn is far worse.

Some of us cheaters are actually good people, though I can see you don't believe me. I do say this though some cheaters not all are aggresive people, I am a cheater, and not afraid to admit it, but listen to this, this is what I posted in another thread, about battling friends and others, if there was a was a way of giving my current opponent the exact same pokemon as myself, I would I don't condone, useing cheated pokemon against, with their uberness, against others who trained the exact same pokemon legit, I'd give them the same pokemon as me for the sake of fairness. That's why I check if it'll harm other games, before I trade any ARed Pokemon.


What do you consider to be legal IV's? Since it is possible to get a Pokemon with a 31 IV in each stat; it's just extremely difficult.

Well, it would probably only be a minor factor. If a Pokemon were to have 31 all IV's, it could be allowed. But if it had top IV's and another thing (like impossible moves), they'd ban it.


Legendary Collector
i mean that i'll trade sharked ones via pearl which will be the "use4everythin" game. i'll get an english diamond when it comes out as my proper game

okay, that is a good safeguard if the ones I send fail to harm my game but yours without my knowledge that they were harmful.
Last edited:


Those of you saying hacked Pokémon harm your game are believing the nintendo scaremongering. If you don't know what you are doing, it could harm your game, but only in the sense that you could lose your save file.

With the program I mentioned in my earlier post, it would fool nintendo. People were just worried about the JAA so didn't risk it.

But anyway, just trade with people you trust if you are that worried.


Legendary Collector
Hmm well said


Well-Known Member
If you guys are so worried then just battle people on the Forums you know doesnt use cheating devices.

But what about the BT download trainer things, I think that if the people mess around to give unreasonable stats it will detect it


Legendary Collector
Perhaps, but what might I ask is so wrong with ARed pokemon?


Main screen turn on!
it blocks all Deoxys. (Edit the above Post beat me to it

That's not true, I was able to trade my Deoxys to xd. If you use a gameshark to warp to Birth Island to get Deoxys, it won't filter it out. Luckily I stopped using a gameshark after that (It gave me nightmares).;386;


Legendary Collector
That's not true, I was able to trade my Deoxys to xd. If you use a gameshark to warp to Birth Island to get Deoxys, it won't filter it out. Luckily I stopped using a gameshark after that (It gave me nightmares).;386;

How did you do that???? I've tried, and failed :(

Eclipsed soul

Houndour Trainer
Well, I don't think the Sharked and ARed Pokemon actually DAMAGE the game, since I ended up getting one the other day on GTS -_-' (sorry still annoyed about that D: )

It might cause problem if you are battling someone and they are like "OMGHAX*CHETZ4uCANTDAMAGEPuKaMun*"

I'd like...a bit stronger filter D: I mean, I traded away my Diaruga for a Houndoom at lv 70, which I was really iffy with. As soon as I take a look at the Houndoom, they caught it at level 70, with a MASTER ball D: Thus I know it wasn't Park Pal, and like you can't catch level 70 pokemon in the wild.

Not only that, this Houndoom was worse in ever stats then my level 61(besides special Attack, but that's because my level 61's nature is Jolly) So...it's fustrating D: I miss Diaruga....


Just a pokemon fan
Perhaps, but what might I ask is so wrong with ARed pokemon?

Nothing's wrong with a Pokemon that has been hacked properly. The first Mew I got in 98 for Blue was from a friend that had used a Gameshark. It was hacked properly and was fine. Then I got a Celebi from the same friend and game still was fine. For the third gen I actually went to the only event that has happened in Mexico where they gave away the tickets for Lugia, Ho-oh, Deoxys and I got my hands on the Jirachi disk to get all of them. I understand why people fear the errors in their games, but it is practically impossible to harm a game, if not impossible, by trading a well-hacked pokemon when there is no device (Shark or AR) connected. The code is completely stable. On the other hand, I see how using techniques that are not legit then people complain. But the filters will make it that those stats and techniques are highlited and therefore the pokemon can not compete. But do know that there are programs like the Pokemon Maker that can literally, recreate a pokemon perfectly, without fail. Stats, IVs, EVs, where it can be captured, with what ball, trainer code, Id number for things like Mirage Island, shinyness, but still be hacked, but be perfectly normal.


Legendary Collector
Perhaps restart and get him again?