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Stoping Sharked and ARed pokemon from getting on wifi


Main screen turn on!

There's a gameshark code that warps you to Birth Island when you walk through a door while holding down the L button. I'm not sure if this part is necessary, but once I arrived at Birth Island, I saved the game and removed the gameshark before fighting deoxys.

I'm smart!


Legendary Collector
Nothing's wrong with a Pokemon that has been hacked properly. The first Mew I got in 98 for Blue was from a friend that had used a Gameshark. It was hacked properly and was fine. Then I got a Celebi from the same friend and game still was fine. For the third gen I actually went to the only event that has happened in Mexico where they gave away the tickets for Lugia, Ho-oh, Deoxys and I got my hands on the Jirachi disk to get all of them. I understand why people fear the errors in their games, but it is practically impossible to harm a game, if not impossible, by trading a well-hacked pokemon when there is no device (Shark or AR) connected. The code is completely stable. On the other hand, I see how using techniques that are not legit then people complain. But the filters will make it that those stats and techniques are highlited and therefore the pokemon can not compete. But do know that there are programs like the Pokemon Maker that can literally, recreate a pokemon perfectly, without fail. Stats, IVs, EVs, where it can be captured, with what ball, trainer code, Id number for things like Mirage Island, shinyness, but still be hacked, but be perfectly normal.

But what if, you traded a cloned version of you ARed pokemon to a friend and you compete against your friend on a level playing field? If they did what you are suggesting?

Taruta the Blue Mage

Newtypes represent!
Yeah I admit I cheat for event pokes, right now I'm waiting for an enabler code for the Heaven's Pipe and jopefully capture Aruseas, if I'm lucky enough. But still we basically can only battle people who have our Friend Code and we have theirs. But the GTS is the most annoying place for people who play by the book, but heaven for hackers. Still We have to manage with what Datel and Gameshark made so, I just don't put cheaters down on my friends list, in fact I only have one person on my Friend list.

For those who don't want to read the paragraph: Don't have the FCs and try and avoid the GTS for hacked Pokemons.

...I think I just wrote a paper for my english class.


Just a pokemon fan
But what if, you traded a cloned version of you ARed pokemon to a friend and you compete against your friend on a level playing field? If they did what you are suggesting?

I'm not sure if I understood your question right but, I have nothing against a hacked pokemon, if it falls under the normal conditions, I don't care if their Shiny Aruseus is legit or not, in the end it will depend on other maters if I lose or win. So if that is a good way of making people that worry about their games being corrupted or that they play in unfair fields to feel comfortable, go ahead. I could care less to fight a hacked aruseus, as long as its stats are normal, and techniques I'd love to play in real life (not Netbattle) with pokemon foes that have their IVS maxed to 31 and their stats maxed to their maximum legal capabilities, it would only test my skills as a trainer facing a tougher challenge.


Well-Known Member
this is what I really hope dosent happen in this thread: everyone getting into a debate about the legality and legitimacy of hacked pokemon. There are enough threads like that already! BTW,i dont know,but how would you know if the pokemon you are getting are legitimate or not? These supposed filters basically cannot work because as soon as someone finds out that all you need to do is to make the ivs/evs etc legal,they will easily bypass;unless of course as someone said about 3 pages back,there is a malicious code in hacked pokemon that can be detected. What this thread needs is a programmer who can explain the intracacies of hacking. Also,honor code? HAHAHAHAHA. You gotta be kidding me. Do you think the people who sell ps2s in new york worry about honor? HELLLL NOOOO! WHY DO YOU THINK THEY SAY:"DONT OPEN YOUR BOX TILL YOU GET HOME". Do you think they say that because they dont want to spoil the surprise? HELL NO. They do it so you dont detect the rocks that they put in there,so they have enough time to move to another street corner before you come back! Ill use the same theory here,i say"look dog,i got myself a celebi dude,this is totally legit. Believe me,i go to church",look dudes/dudettes,if you believe you can trust something like that,eventually you will end up in prison on drug traffiking charges because you believed that crack dosent mess up your life. But in the end,I dont think there is any conclusive proof saying that getting sharked pokemon(with legit ivs/evs etc) messes up your game. We need a programmer,or anyone with advice/information to contribute.


it shone! ^_^
this is what I really hope dosent happen in this thread: everyone getting into a debate about the legality and legitimacy of hacked pokemon. There are enough threads like that already!

I think it has already happened. Oops!

And just to add to that debate: My Mew. I got him by using the Far Away island warp code. Do you think it's legit? In my opinion; the Mew is legit, the way I got him isn't.

But I'll happily trade it to people when I get D/P... the cloned versions, that is. (gasp!)

BTW,i dont know,but how would you know if the pokemon you are getting are legitimate or not?

Well, if you got a lv10 Diaruga, that might give you some clue.

These supposed filters basically cannot work because as soon as someone finds out that all you need to do is to make the ivs/evs etc legal,they will easily bypass;unless of course as someone said about 3 pages back

I'd still like to know what people consider to be legal IV's, since you can catch/breed Pokemon with a 31 IV in each stat.

With EV's it's much easier; if the Pokemon has 252 EV's in more than two stats, it's obviously hacked.


Well-Known Member
i didnt read all the post so dont know if this has been mentioned yet, but just use wifi with your friends, when the game comes out in the US, put your friendcode up on serebii, and add more friends to your list. this is what i do for mario kart, because i refuse to play with snakers, im really good at the game, one of the best out of all my friends, so i want to play with people that can just use there skill to play, not a cheap exploite


Oh noes! People are trading unrealistically statted/unobtainable Pokemon on wifi! How could we possibly know whether to trade for them or not? I mean, it just boggles my mind!
Nintendo needs to stop making event only Pokemon, it will make people
want to buy an Action Replay/GameShark. Some of the event Pokemon are really usefull and get alot of attention like Aruseus because of it's 720 base stats.
And if it's not about the event Pokemon then people will try other codes,
and still get all those other legendaries for example.


How can someone shark/AR a "perfectly normal" Mew or Deoxys? I think you can't, because they won't obey you if you "make" them via a cheating device.


Well-Known Member
1.USING AR?GS IS NOT ILLLEGAL like that one poster far above said they got a illegal feebas,well it's not illegal okay get that through your head peoples .IT"S NOT ILLEGAL.

2.it won't mess up your game by recieving a ar/gs pokemon in a trade etc.

3.if you use the codes that codejunkies and gameshark make then they will work and won't mess up your game for using them.

4.i use ar .i got the ar for the ds and WILL use it when diamond and pearl just as i'm using it now with ranger and md


it shone! ^_^
How can someone shark/AR a "perfectly normal" Mew or Deoxys? I think you can't, because they won't obey you if you "make" them via a cheating device.

Really? That's odd. Because the Mew I got (from using the Far Away Island warp code) works fine in Pokemon Sapphire.


The Renagade.
What i want to know is....why doesn't Gamefreak/Pokemon do somehting about the action replays and gamesharks?

Can't they just say "I'm sorry, but we really don't want people cheating. We find that it's stupid, and completely unfair. So, could you please stop putting pokemon cheats onto gamsharks/action replays?"

Wisest Pikachu

The Wisest of Pikach
What i want to know is....why doesn't Gamefreak/Pokemon do somehting about the action replays and gamesharks?

Can't they just say "I'm sorry, but we really don't want people cheating. We find that it's stupid, and completely unfair. So, could you please stop putting pokemon cheats onto gamsharks/action replays?"

That's impossible. AR and GS don't comprise merely of a list of games you can use them on. They can work on any game for that console. Even ones made after you bought the GS or AR. You can't get rid of a certain game's ability to avoid being 'sharked. It rewrites Hexadecimal values in the code for a short while to allow you to do things normally not possible. I mean, even a Frfeeloader does that. It rewrites the region code stored in memory so that out of region games can be played. The code is written into memory from the hardware everytime it starts up, so it goes back to normal next startup. And its impossible to rewrite the hardcoded code permanently.

As for cheating, it really depends on the situation. Against other people I believe its wrong. But for me against the game, I have no qualms. It's been down since the Game Genie for the NES. It helps you beat the game. You don't get the satisfaction of doing it yourself, but if you just want to see the story in the game, its the perfect tool.

Slightly offtopic, I hear people mentioning the use of snaking in Mario Kart. There is absolutely nothing wrong with doing that. Nintendo has said so itself. Its a skill that needs to be mastered. You are trying to pull off curves on a straightway to get the speed boosts. You don't really go straight on the straightway, so you are slowed down by snaking if it wasn't for the speed boost. And since I haven't mastered it yet, let me tell you you really screw yourself if you end up turning too sharply before getting the boost. You end up slamming into a wall or into grass, really slowing you down. So I ask, what is wrong with snaking?


Kyogre Trainer
Well, since the Jap versions of D/P have the E4 glitch, there will be a lot of 'glitched' Darkrai and Shemi running around WiFi. And I am sure that there will be at least one nice person from japan that will be putting them in the GTC. I think that the best they can do is enforce the level bars, (No level 10 blaziken, level 30 Kyogre, ect.) the place caught, (IE: Darkrai found in Trust Lake, or Kyogre found on Route 105), and more than 510 EVs.
What I want to know is how the GTC works. Can you see the poke's stats before you trade for it? Manual checking would be a good way to scan for and hacked pokemon.
Even if you find a level 50 Diaruga then, you could see exactly whether or not you want it.


IV/EV n00b :(
But the rest, destroy them. I hate how on Mario Kart DS, you get all these ppl who 'snake' and who've blantly cheated. They're annoying
For the sake of us all, please do not throw the word "cheat" around so loosely. How a game mechanic programmed into the game is defined to be cheating is beyond me. At best, you can call snaking a cheap tactic. But it's not cheating. And if you ask me, complaining about someone who "cheats" is what really ruins the entertainment in a game. Not the cheaters themselves.

The remedy to the possibility of illegitamit trades is simply to avoid trading altogether... or stop worrying about it so much. It's a game. If something happens, it happens. Just pick yourself back up and move along. Have fun, don't stress.

And perhaps even a more intelligent way to handle trades: Always browse the summary of a Pokemon's stats. Their moves. Are the stats and moves equipped to the Pokemon possible? All it requires is a quick look in Serebii's Pokedex.
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PokeTrainer Miki
And if you ask me, complaining about someone who "cheats" is what really ruins the entertainment in a game. Not the cheaters themselves.

if there weren't cheaters there wouldn't be complaints, so its the cheater's fault after all


I never had xd so I don't know for sure but does it block all deoxyses or just the sharked ones?

i think that they wont let it in because it wont have a definate form, or something. i dont really know