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Store my pokemon?


Active Member
I want to start over on my diamond but dont want to lose all my pokemon so i a m looking for someone to hold liek a box full of my pokemon and there will be a reward of some sort. say a shiny or anything that you want


I'll hold onto them. A free shiny would be nice. >D But yeah, how many pokemon are we talking about being traded?

FC: 0516 3747 2038


I just want to know how many crap pokemon I should catch before I trade...


Active Member
is 20 cool? if thats more than you expected i can throw in more than 1 shiny. and if its cool could we do this tomorrow night?


Active Member
what was the point of that? ^^^


Active Member
well super 7 ill do it with you. ill pm u with the info.


Active Member
well super 7 ill do it with you. ill pm u with the info.