Oh link battles rule! I have played 26 so far, won 25 and lost 1. There is a small chance I am going to the pokemon 10th anniversary event at bristol this sunday, I seriously doubt I am but if I do, I'll get in like 100 link battles before I leave. Anyways, a few of my link battles have been amazing, I tend to think smart in a battle, here's an example:
I have salamence and latias out ina a double battle, salamence has D.Claw, Fly, Return and Flamethrower at the time and latias has D.Claw, Recover, Psychic and T.bolt. My latias is frozen so what do I do? Salamence used Flamethrower on latias and then next turn I got thawed out, basically that's the kinda battler I am so watch out for me on wi-fi when I get diamond!