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Storing pokemon in colosseum


Well-Known Member
Hey there guys hopefully im getting colosseum for christmas, anyway if you transfer your pokemon from your GBA games can you stor them somehow?
having beaten xd an colo I'm just wondering will there be an option to trade between the GBA and GC games when I have the GBA hooked up? Because atm I'm not seeing any options on the main screen....


The opition wont be on the main screen. After you beat the game, go to the basement in the Phenac City Pokemon Center and you can trade there.


Active Member
On this same subject, if you can trade and store Pokemon from your GBA games on Colosseum, does that mean to you can go to the memory card data screen and copy the data to another memory card, and the Pokemon will be copied along with your gamedata? Or did Nintendo prevent this somehow? Just wondering.


Well-Known Member
On this same subject, if you can trade and store Pokemon from your GBA games on Colosseum, does that mean to you can go to the memory card data screen and copy the data to another memory card, and the Pokemon will be copied along with your gamedata? Or did Nintendo prevent this somehow? Just wondering.

No, it will say the file cannot be copied.