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Story line ruined…


Colosseum and XD were suppose to take place in alternate universes from the mainstream portable games, right? So Colosseum using the Johto legendaries doens't really mess with GS's story.


Beginning Trainer
Completely nonesense. Plus, huge typos. Riku's from Kingdom Hearts, Latias' from RuSaE. If you need to know if it's day or night just because everything's darker, then you need to get some help really quickly. Get over the whining, for f***'s sake.

Plus! day and night features gave the game a whole new level of experience, because you had to play at a specific time (in real life), or even a specific day! To catch certain pokemon, all in all I keep saying that from G/S/C (2nd generation) to Ru/Sa/E (3rd generation) we have experience a downgrade…


Colosseum and XD were suppose to take place in alternate universes from the mainstream portable games, right? So Colosseum using the Johto legendaries doens't really mess with GS's story.


Beginning Trainer
Plus! day and night features gave the game a whole new level of experience, because you had to play at a specific time (in real life), or even a specific day! To catch certain pokemon, all in all I keep saying that from G/S/C (2nd generation) to Ru/Sa/E (3rd generation) we have experience a downgrade…

LOL! all of a sudden Iv become nostalgic! I think Im gonna go look for G/S/C used gamepacks at my nearest video game store...


Well-Known Member
If gamefreak was going to do a G/S/C remake now would be the time to do it.
FR/LG/R/S/E all take place at the same time. G/C/S took place 3 years later and it seem that D/P take place at the same time as G/S/C because of the red Gyarados report on the news that your rival sees at the begining of D/P from a "distant land" which is obviously Johto. It would make sense to remake those games for the DS because they would go along nicely with D/P.


Tails the Bouyzel
G/S was fun in all, I would like a remake just to get the Jhoto starters easyer, but thats really it...


Well-Known Member
I want a remake to go back to Johto. And to have some of my favorites back on Johto soil. I just like Johto geography.
Johto was the best region and was featured in the best games, for multiple reasons

First of all, it intorduced many new features. Breeding, Move Tutors, deleting HM moves, day-and-night system, held items...I can go on all day. This already made the second generation of games a major success

Second, it brought many original Pokémon. There were no cheap copies of first generation Pokémon, unlike the the 3rd generation, which was full of cheap copies, and the fourth, which is made up mainly by mutant-like evolutions and pre-evolutions. Johto was original

Last but not least, it was the first generation to bring color, animations...all sorts of eye-candy. Even first generation fans have to admit R/B/Y's graphics sucked, considering it was made about seven years ago

To be on topic, I think remakes of Gold, Silver, and maybe even Crystal would please fans and would sell millions of copies in short time. Its not likely, but you have no right to demand me to belive it isn't going to happen, when you have no clue whatsoever that it is going to happen or not (you don't work for gamefreak, do you? :rolleyes:). Its my opinion, so don't argue with it as that would be pointless and just cause a flamewar that eventually will just cause unwanted spam


Well-Known Member
I thought the second generation was the best too because it introduced a bunch of new features, then it was compared to Ru/Sa/E which dropped them all and so it made me feel like the 2nd generation was better. The fourth generation will be an improvement to the third since it re-introduces old features plus new ones.
GSC was the best! I really hope they do a remake, even if its in a different place with more pokemon. (Plus gold was my very first game!) :)


Well-Known Member
They don't have to remake anything.

The reason R/B was remade in the first place was so you can catch all the pokemon in the 3rd gen.

A remake of G/S is not needed, as we can already catch all the Johto pokemon.

How hard is this to understand?

So what if a G/S/C remake is not needed? Was XD needed? No. Yet they still made it. And before anyone said that because of Luiga, well, you can get Luiga in FR/LG and E. Luiga would have just end up as a event Pokemon. (Like Mew, Celebi, etc.) That or they could have just add in both Ho-oh and Lugia in E. Like after you beat the Battle Frontier.

I think Nintendo and GameFreak may remake G/S/C. I mean, they must know the fans want a remake of the game. In the offical Nintendo forums at Nintendo.com, there are threads about a G/S/C remake. So, I'm sure Nintendo knows the fans want them. Nintendo knows that it is going to make them money, even if you can get all the Johto Pokemon already, because they know the fans want them.

I think we may see a G/S/C remake for the DS after D/P is relesed.


XD wasn't needed. Neither was Mysterious Dungeon. So what? They're used as different experiences of catching Pokemon. XD, a GameCube game that involved a new story, featured new catching methods, and wasn't even developed by Game Freak, cannot be directly compared to a hypothetical G/S/C remake.

What's more, there are technical difficulties in doing remakes in any current gen (third or fourth). This is because G/S/C contain items that don't exist in any other games, even in the coding. Specifically: Apricorns, Kurt's Poke Balls, and the Berserk Gene.

Nintendo has also come under fire because of its common remakes and reduxes. I've talked in very large general gaming forums, and the most common complaint I hear by gamers who don't play Pokemon is that "Pokemon's all the same, they just rerelease the same stuff over and over again." Reduxes are bad enough -- Japanese Blue wasn't needed, Yellow was made simply to sate the innumerable Ash groupies. Crystal can be explained away by the fact that they made such a huge leap in technology (actually connecting a Game Boy to a cell phone, allowing online play years before D/P) that the next games, Ruby and Sapphire, were a step backwards.

The fans as a whole don't want a remake of G/S/C. Certainly, there are many individuals who do, but there are also many who don't, and even more who couldn't care less about G/S/C (or worse, have never heard of it).


What do I put here?
I would love a G/S/C remake! But I'm not sure if they would do it. It would be nice to have a revamped Johto and be able to get the Johto starters (yes I know you can get them in Emerald, but that's by completing the Hoenn PokeDex but I don't know anyone who has R/S)


Well-Known Member
I don't think they are going to make a G/S/C remake, since in D/P, you can catch every single Pokémon except for the starters and legendaries. Those are the only Pokémons you need to trade from R/S/FR/LG/E. Then there are few where you just need to put in the GBA cartige in slot in the DS with the D/P games so you can unlock other wild Pokémons. I am pretty sure D/P has got all the previous features from all the other games. A G/S/C remake will less new things than the R/B/Y remake. Also if G/S/C remake was made, then that would mean kind of a second remake of R/B/Y, since G/S/C contains Kanto. Basically, it would be the same story line, but just playing it in a DS. Anyway thats just an opinion from an small individual, so don't take it to seriously G/S/C fans.