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Story line ruined…


No hero. Never was.
I was entirely underwhelmed by GSC when it was new. I played Gold, beat Red on Mt. Silver, and then pretty much went back to completing my Pokedex on Yellow.

When Stadium 2 came out, I was able to manipulate the Held Items my Pokemon held (on Yellow) to help them in their Stadium Challenges. I beat the Prime Chup, Gym Leader Castle and the Rival (both rounds) with my Yellow team, using Crystal for the PokeCup, and Rentals for the Little Cup.

My problem with GSC is that it feels little more than an expansion of RBY. Johto didn't hold my interest, and Kanto was MUCH better in Yellow. If they had done what they did in Ru/Sa/Em/D/P and cut off the rest of the world, instead focusing on making Johto as great as it could be, then perhaps it could have been better.

I liked the Day/Night system from GSC, but I wasn't too unhappy to see it all but vanish in Ru/Sa/Em. From what I've heard (and this may only be a rumor), the reason a Day/Night system wasn't implimented in Ru/Sa/Em was due to the poorly lit screen of the GBA.

People have been talking about what GSC brought to the table. What about what Ru/Sa/Em did? We got Natures and Abilities, changing the Pokemon themselves. Double Battles got tossed into the mix. We have weather effects that exist on the field, and a story that actually forces you face to face with a powerful legendary Pokemon, instead of just letting you go look for it, which is what they pretty much did in GSC, not to mention the sidequest of Pokemon Contests getting introduced. In Emerald, we got massive improvements to the breeding system, the awesome Battle Frontier for competitive players, reusable Move Tutors with a much greater selection of moves than in GSC, an actual Safari Zone (something that GSC never had)that extends to show more Pokemon, improved Double Battles, the return of that God Forsaken PokeGear Telephone (Oh, how I disliked it in Crystal).

And the Pokemon of Hoenn are some of the most creative creatures in the series. People have the Butterfree/Beautifly comparison stuck so far up their *** that they fail to see such uniqueness that is Shedinja, Metagross, Absol, the Regis (which offered a puzzle to capture them: a first for the series), the shape-shifting Deoxys, the weather legendaries, and many more that make Hoenn a much more interesting place than Johto, which, with only 100 new Pokemon, relied much more heavily on the Kanto Monsters, making the entire region feel rather bland to me.

Gah, this became really ranty. I don't mind, though.

Even more on topic, the only way I'd buy a GSC Remake is if they include Hoenn as a visitable location. I'd like to face the Hoenn Champion, and see who the true child of Norman is.